The (Un)official write anything you want page

Just bought myself a D-Link Boxee Box for the bedroom tv. I love it so far. It can take any format and works like a charm when streaming 1080P files over wireless. Also has a lot of apps for online sources.
The occurrences of miracles and sheer genius is exponential nowadays as compared to past history if listen to all these shmucks. I overheard that idiot Randy Whatever on AMerican Idol the other night calling some terrible singer's performance "Genius." I laughed.
Just bought myself a D-Link Boxee Box for the bedroom tv. I love it so far. It can take any format and works like a charm when streaming 1080P files over wireless. Also has a lot of apps for online sources.

Wait. What? Tell me more about this wondrous device.
sounds like exactly what I need
The occurrences of miracles and sheer genius is exponential nowadays as compared to past history if listen to all these shmucks. I overheard that idiot Randy Whatever on AMerican Idol the other night calling some terrible singer's performance "Genius." I laughed.


All these need to go away...their prevelance is just a result of people having too much fucking time to sit around and observe shit and comment on it. In the dark ages I doubt people were like, "oh! A pox! AMAZING!!" It was more like "I hope I get some meat this year"

Semper Fi.
I went into that article thinking "yeah okay, I used to pretend that metal was 'cultured' too but come on, shit is LOUD and that's why I like it" but that was a good article. Reason why I always come back to RC is because there aren't any dipshits here. Well maybe me, but I can deal with my own dipshittery well enough. I like weirdos, weirdos are my friends.
random eejit said:
My hunch is that metal might not be very healthy; it seems to make people angry, or sad, or afraid... these are all bad emotions to evoke. I used to love metal, but then it dawned on me that upbeat music is better: it feels healthier. Metal is too friendly with 'bad vibes'.
:lol: :Puke:
I'm pretty much convinced that California is replete with LAZY BASTARDS. Literally NOTHING is open before 9am.... bank, corner stores, restaurants.... NOTHING.