The (Un)official write anything you want page

Meh, it's more because its a famous battle in Canadian history. Everyone else ran into the meat grinder and lost. We ran into the meat grinder and kicked hte fuck out of them, in record time to boot.

If that's not metal, i dunno.
" British troops entered Ypres in October 1914. They were unaware of the size of the German force advancing on the town. However, numbers did not make up for experience as the Germans used what were effectively students to attack professional British soldiers based north of the town at a place named Langemark. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the German troops, with just 6 weeks training, with arms linked singing patriotic songs as they advanced towards the British. 1,500 Germans were killed and 600 taken prisoner.

Fierce fighting took place around the town and neither the British nor the Germans could claim to control the area. At a place called Wijtschate (about 10 miles south of Ypres) a German corporal called Adolf Hitler rescued a wounded comrade and won the highest honour a German soldier could win - the Iron Cross. Despite fearsome losses on both sides, neither could dominate the other. "


" Once the weather had settled, the Germans prepared for a new attack. They used deadly chlorine gas against defending French troops. Having never experienced this before, terrified French soldiers fled. Gas had worked as it had got them to leave their positions. The situation was saved by Canadian troops who used handkerchiefs soaked in water as gas masks and launched a counter-attack on the Germans. It was successful and the Germans lost the gains they had made.

Also in April, the French exploded mines under the German position held at Hill 60 - in fact, a mound created from the rubbish cleared when a railway cutting was made. Whoever controlled Hill 60 had a perfect view of what was going into Ypres and what was leaving. Hence its strategic value. Though successful, the area was reduced to a muddy bog. The British took Hill 60 but were pushed out by another successful poison gas attack by the Germans. The Germans were only pushed out of Hill 60 in 1918. "
ah okay for some reason I thought you were saying there was a massive battle in Canada called Ypres.

I'm fairly familiar with the WWI battles, what a meatgrinder

Conspicuously Absent said:
a German corporal called Adolf Hitler rescued a wounded comrade and won the highest honour a German soldier could win - the Iron Cross.
yay Hitler.

new Band name: Woods of Hitler's Ypres
yeah, this one.

edit: For some reason it reminds me that our special forces with slingshots and spears beats yours that are just short of homing bullets at those wargames. Every time.
lizard said:
ah okay for some reason I thought you were saying there was a massive battle in Canada called Ypres.
same here. Let's keep it that way. It's somehow MUCH funnier than the true story.

also, "Hill 364!" - walter sobchak
II First Battle (October-November 1914)

The first battle at Ypres took place when outnumbered British, French, and Belgian troops resisted a German offensive aimed at the French ports of Calais and Dunkerque on the English Channel. The offensive, potentially disastrous to the Allied cause, was finally stemmed after heavy fighting. The battle resulted in fixed military positions, initiating the long period of trench warfare on the western front. Allied casualties totaled more than 100,000; German casualties were more than 130,000.

III Second Battle (April-May 1915)

The second battle ensued when the Germans carried out an experiment with a new military weapon, poisonous chlorine gas. After five weeks of fighting, a stalemate had been reached, and the Germans brought the battle to an end. German casualties totaled about 35,000 officers and men; Allied casualties were about 60,000.

IV Third Battle (July-November 1917)

Known also as the Passendale :kickass: :kickass: campaign, the third battle of Ypres was precipitated by a massive British offensive directed against enemy installations. In its initial phase the operation succeeded brilliantly. On June 7, 1917, British forces took the strategically important village of Messines, the heights of which commanded miles of German-occupied territory. However, the main phase of the offensive, from July to November, proved disastrous. Prolonged rainfall and heavy Allied bombardment had transformed the battlefield into a swamp, and the Germans, operating from concrete pillboxes, took a heavy toll of Allied troops with mustard gas and machine-gun fire. After months of bitter fighting in deep mud, Canadian infantrymen captured the ruined village of Passendale. At this point the Allied command halted the offensive. Allied troops had pushed the German lines back only 8 km (5 mi); each side suffered some 250,000 casualties.

jesus, people are stupid
The following is an example of a typical email tossed back and forth between myself and a fellow office bitch friend of mine:
me said:

*makes finger sammitches*

VODKDA almsot. ADINVA hahaha no way. VODKA there we go

hahaha cracksweatcollector. YUeah I haven't stepped
outside since before 8am, pretty sure I uttered "this
weather blows" as soont saht kj tSJ fji 24o s802i po

Hey wath cdhtis h:








Snad? Radl.


EIbnil !

hahahaha this is getting ridiculsou.
It's called Stomptype and it helps me through the day.
I pooped my pants today. I thought it was a fart but no. That has happened since I was like 7. At least I was just sitting around the house.

Don't act like you haven't done it too.
Disclaimer: uhm, ok, it wasn't like I SHIT MY PANTS like the whole thing and stuff. Just enough to make me go, "Oh damn!" and run to the bathroom. You know how it is.
guh. my dad has a knack for always slamming the front door for no good reason. today he slammed it so hard that my hand crafted scandinavian "gary the haggard" viking figurine fell off my shelf and his shield broke off :cry:
Impudent said:
Does every major thrash band have a song called "Tormentor"?
It is compulsory for good bands to have a song called "Tormentor". Chickenshits do covers, typically of Kreator.

edit: /fotmbm