The (Un)official write anything you want page

I'm about to have a second interview for one of these Japanese jobs I've applied for. I have no idea what this is going to consist of considering I thought she'd asked everything she could want to know in the last interview. I just hope there are no more weird questions out of left field.

Really, how do you answer "What do you think is most important in life?" in an interview? Do you name some specific things, give your personal life philosophy, some general ideas?

Edit: WTF?! I think I was offered the job. I think. The Japanese are too fucking indirect. And she actually complained about being too direct!!!!! ARRRRRGHHHH! :mad:
Thanatopsis123 said:
Really, how do you answer "What do you think is most important in life?" in an interview? Do you name some specific things, give your personal life philosophy, some general ideas?
As always, with complete and total honesty: beer, books, and boobs.

Somebody gave me a labelmaker once, and since that day my computer at work has had a sticker that says "Beer, books, and boobs: do it for them." Gets me through each day. Hmm, I guess I wasn't thinking of bass when I made that.
damn ... just now ... CNN Breaking News ... we're fucked :lol:

President Bush says he and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair have a plan to act on the current crisis to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East.
I remember once that someone had a scarecrow out on his yard in order to scare away birds. I guess not that many people realize that my town has ravens, not crows:kickass:
lurch70 said:
i sneezed really loud and farted simultaneously a few times lately ... f'in weird :lol:
my son coughed and farted at the same time the other day. but he does that stuff all the time
Tried to drink beer last night and failed. Have to retry today and try to record some harsh-vocals, I have a feeling that I'll have troubles with those...fucking fuck.
Erik said:
how do you "fail" to drink beer?

Got tired after sixpack and went to sleep, haha, I've become and old man.

Now I have to fix some lyrics and hopefully manage to track them tonight.
Beer seems to work now, haha...Erik, you should've sing these, so things would be easier for me.

Btw - Just listened Tormenting Legends II, great stuff!
Erik said:
i could probably have done that if i were at home which i'm not atm

ah yes, hope you liked the nasheim song

Nasheim-song was one of the best in this compilation, as many others said too. Hey, let me know, when you're at home again and I might force you to make the vocals for these.