The (Un)official write anything you want page

Thats pretty crappy Dill. That place sounds like it sucks ass. I quit the job I was talking about because the managers treated everyone like shit.

I quit my next job in a pretty ass hole way. I was hanging out with a friend who was visiting from college and I really wanted to hang out more before he had to go back across state. Another friend of mine worked at the same place with me. So we both went in on a super busy Friday night(we worked at a movie theater), and quit at the same time. We were supposed to work that night. I walked up to the manager and said "Hey john, I'll trade you my work vest for my paycheck". He asked why I would trade my vest and I said "CAUSE I QUIT HA HA HA HA". He was very angry.
^ See, that's how it should be done.

Carbonized said:
I'm bored. Music just hasn't really appealed to me in a while yet i have to have something going since i really don't watch T.V. Don't know what else to say, so yea...

Do what I always do when I get really bored, do something crazy. That way, you'll cure your boredom AND you'll have a kick ass story to tell later on.
Guthrum said:
^ See, that's how it should be done.

Do what I always do when I get really bored, do something crazy. That way, you'll cure your boredom AND you'll have a kick ass story to tell later on.

heh, i'm afraid my imagination fails to enable me to do something crazy. adding 80's pop music/70's pop/rock to my winamp playlist while still having stuff like Borknagar, Entombed, Raventhrone and Woods of Ypres in the to listen to is about as crazy as i get these days.:erk:
Hmm, well, just walk around your house and try and come up with something. I remember walking into my brother's bathroom not too long ago and there was a stepladder in there, so I just pulled it up to the toilet and pissed from up top. Dick slap a turd or something. Do something other than sitting around. :lol:
If you live in a big city, travel to a far away corner of it where nobody will recognize you. Go to a mall.

Things to do:

1. Randomly walk up to people and spout lines of crap like: " 14 monkeys howl when the four frogs ice skate! "

2. Randomly scream like a prophet about the end of the world.

3. Go to the food court. Sit down at a table with some random group of people that are obviously together and say " My visions tell me that great things are in your future." Look at one: "You will die soon" Look at another: "You will become rich because of his death" and another " You will discover your true self". Then leave

4. Do the same as the above, but just giggle insanely, then calmly stand up and leave.

5. Follow the "20 things to do in walmart" list.

6. Buy a speedo. Run as fast as you can through the mall wearing only the speedo. This is is exceptionally good if you are fat or really tall (like lurch)

7. Have some friends photograph or video tape some/all of your craziness.
Conspicuously Absent said:
If you live in a big city, travel to a far away corner of it where nobody will recognize you. Go to a mall.

Things to do:

1. Randomly walk up to people and spout lines of crap like: " 14 monkeys howl when the four frogs ice skate! "

2. Randomly scream like a prophet about the end of the world.

3. Go to the food court. Sit down at a table with some random group of people that are obviously together and say " My visions tell me that great things are in your future." Look at one: "You will die soon" Look at another: "You will become rich because of his death" and another " You will discover your true self". Then leave

4. Do the same as the above, but just giggle insanely, then calmly stand up and leave.

5. Follow the "20 things to do in walmart" list.

6. Buy a speedo. Run as fast as you can through the mall wearing only the speedo. This is is exceptionally good if you are fat or really tall (like lurch)

7. Have some friends photograph or video tape some/all of your craziness.

Well there's part of the problem, I don't live in a big city. Nor even a medium sized city. :/ Try small town, heh. There's no mall here to speak of.

While i totally appreciate your suggestions i can't follow through on any of them.:cry: Even if i had ready access to cause some mayhem i wouldn't be able to do any of that. I try to keep away from people as much as i possibly can, even to my detriment which kind of hampers my ability to live life. :(
This is why I love

<roman> skitzo, dude, when i was like 8 or something, i was on the floor .. on my back, trying to see my asshole.. and i was sucking air in with my asshole.. and farting it out.. when my brother walked in on me.. and i lost control of my stomach and a fucking turd popped out and landed on my chest

<Disciple> Oh man, I was listening to music today, and I looked up, and all the kids were like ":O" and staring at the teacher, so I took off my music to see what was going on...
<Disciple> So I took off the headphones
<Disciple> And The teacher was screaming
<[Striker]> o_O
<Elyssa> Oo;
<K-S> :O
<Ness|Scripting> :O
<Velcant> ...o_O
<Disciple> And so I was like "What the hell's going on?"
<Disciple> And I looked over
<Disciple> and she was screaming on the phone.
<Disciple> And I just started cracking up
<Disciple> But then I found out that it was really sad and it was her son dying and someone had to give him his injection :(
<Disciple> But before I heard that, it was the funniest thing ever.
<[Striker]> ...well, damn,
<Disciple> (He is safe now)
^ :lol:

* ab is away - gone, if anyone talks in the next 25 minutes as me it's bm
being an asshole -

<Kobe_Tai> guy comes in complaining of abdominal/rectal pain
<Kobe_Tai> all of his vitals look okay
<Kobe_Tai> no abdominal distension
<Kobe_Tai> no nauseau/vomiting
<Kobe_Tai> we go ahead and admit him
<Kobe_Tai> and during his initial body audit
<Kobe_Tai> I see scratches and tearing all around his anus
<Kobe_Tai> so I'm like "have you been raped? or eaten anything unusual?"
<Kobe_Tai> and hes like "no"
<Kobe_Tai> so I make him an appointment with radiology
<Kobe_Tai> and send him down for an Abdominal Ultrasound
<Kobe_Tai> about 45 minutes later, they're calling me
<Kobe_Tai> and they're like "OMFG COME DOWN HERE"
<Kobe_Tai> so I go down
<Kobe_Tai> and theyre all like white as ghosts
<Kobe_Tai> I put the film up on the slidr
<Kobe_Tai> *slider
<Kobe_Tai> the guy failed to mention that he had ?AN ENTIRE VLASIC PICLE JAR RAMMED UP HIS ASS
<Kobe_Tai> pickle
<Kobe_Tai> so, we sent him to surgery
<Kobe_Tai> and because the lid was off
<Kobe_Tai> it formed a vacuum
<Kobe_Tai> and they had a real hard time removing it
<Kobe_Tai> no, they drilled a hole in it to release the vacuum
<Kobe_Tai> when they did he hemorrhafed
<Kobe_Tai> *hemorhagged
<alex> all he wanted was to have a good time :(
<alex> first of all if i wanted to have anal sex with a jar i would find one of those plastic ones
Carbonized said:
My first day back on the internet in over a year and i'm already bored :/
Still, it's nice to be back.
Hey brother, good to see you. :)

I'd rather still be on vacation. I'd also rather be naked.
That one song that said "it's been 4 days since you looked at me, 5 years since you fucked my sister" or whatever.

EDIT: Barenaked Ladies - One Week. Moderately entertaining group which gave me a vague passing interest when I was forced to listen to them by certain friends approximately 7 years ago.

EDITEIDT: I mean, that's what it sounded like to me, other than some annoying Japbint babbling over a boring Suckacaster riff.
NADatar said:
Hey brother, good to see you. :)

I'd rather still be on vacation. I'd also rather be naked.

Mr. NAD, good to see you :D I could use a vacation myself. Good to see you back and it's good to be back.
Since we're quoting

docsigma2000: jesus christ man
docsigma2000: my son is sooooooo dead
c8info: Why?
docsigma2000: hes been looking at internet web sites in fucking EUROPE
docsigma2000: our fucking phone bill is gonna be nuts
c8info: Ooh, this is bad. Surfing long distance adds an extra $69.99 to your bill per hour.
docsigma2000: ...!!!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK
docsigma2000: is there some plan we can sign up for???
docsigma2000: cuz theres some cool stuff in europe, but i dun wanna pauy that much
c8info: Sorry, no. There is no plan. you'll have to live with it.
docsigma2000: o well, i ccan live without europe intenet sites.
docsigma2000: but till i figure out how to block it hes sooooo dead
c8info: By the way, I'm from Europe, your chatting long distance.
** docsigma2000 has quit (Connection reset by peer)