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I have to appear in court tmrw to clear that $950 traffic ticket. YAY

I can't stand smokers who light up as soon as they are 2 inches outside of a building. Are you that much of a slave to your habit that you can't walk 20 feet away from the crowd and smoke in solitude? Ridiculous.
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Great comments. Let me add to that: the best is in the wintertime when they're all huddled up together. LOL that smoking actually makes you colder by constricting your capillaries.
I can't stand smokers who light up as soon as they are 2 inches outside of a building. Are you that much of a slave to your habit that you can't walk 20 feet away from the crowd and smoke in solitude? Ridiculous.

God fucking damn am I ever with you on this one. It's even illegal in Ontario to smoke within 10 meters of a public building and people still do it EVERYWHERE, even inside the doorways at school. People have written articles to the school paper complaining that they get headaches from inahling second hand smoke pretty much anywhere on campus near the academic buildings. Fuck them.

If I want to smoke a joint at school, I go down by some pond and sit on a bench far, far away from other people.
I still feel sick from driving that truck. I told the salesnerd that I'd call him later. I think I'll honestly tell him I'm not interested because the vehicle makes me physically ill.
Me and a few friends decided to have a small session in my car one night, unfortunately a couple of the dumb assholes also lit cigarettes. My car stank for a week, had to drive around with the windows open.
I can't stand smokers who light up as soon as they are 2 inches outside of a building. Are you that much of a slave to your habit that you can't walk 20 feet away from the crowd and smoke in solitude? Ridiculous.

I totally agree!
I also hate people who as soon as they get up: and I mean STILL IN BED
light a cigarette... EEEW!!

I quit smoking 4 months ago, and I can;t be happier.
Even when I did smoke, I smoked maybe 7-9 cigarettes a week, so my habit
was well monitored... I never used to light a cig before 4pm...
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