The (Un)official write anything you want page

Smokers generally don't bother me. Perhaps I just don't come into contact with them often, I dunno. But the smell inside that truck was gave me a headache for hours afterwards.
BTW, did y'all know there are 300 million adult smokers in China? That's more than the entire pop of the US
So Im talking to this 35 yo guy that works with my girlfriend and he said he liked black metal, I was like cool. So he invites me over today and what I saw I wasnt prepared for. I walk in his bedroom where I proceed to go through and Im not kidding 3000 black metal cds dating back to the original pressings of Blizzard Beasts and Mayhems first album on vinyl all the way to everything Graveland, Drudkh , Summoning, Throne of Ahaz, Gorgoroth, Witchcraft,Grom, Trollech, I mean you guys name it and I saw it, Thousands of black metal albums all over the place, Polish,French, Romanian,ect... I was fucking floored, he had demos of shit signed by bands from all over the world.
Anyone heard of Sear BLiss , I guess they are pretty big in Poland as he had dvds and albums by the band and well anyway he was showing me the inside lyric sheet and lo and behold he had actually contributed lyrics to one of the bands songs and was credited. I mean it was like a black metal fans wet dream. Dude lives alone and actually wrote for a black metal magazine out of Czech republic. I dont think i can stress to you guys enough what i saw today. I wish you guys couldve been there to see what i saw.
He even gave me my first Graveland album because he had several copies of Memory and Destiny. Hate Forest, Mithotyn, Bathory,Burzum, Xasthur ,everyhting. i plan on hanging out with him again next week as I really want to sit and listen to everthing hes got, there was so much shit I wanted to write down here but I cant even spell the shit he had.
He said he ordered off a site called Redstream and Distasterous Distributions I think they were. He had Burzum albusm that came in a book form and the cd in the back. Not mention the whole section of his closet that was all lined with black metal shirts.
Let me translate for those that don't want to read that.

I went over to a 35 year old guys house who lives alone. Whereupon, I went into his bedroom and saw something I wasn't prepared for. He floored me and I can't relay to you what all I was witness to because he showed me things I've never seen before and cannot begin to spell.

By the end I wished other guys had been there but overall I had a great time and will be going back for more.
Let me translate for those that don't want to read that.

I went over to a 35 year old guys house who lives alone. Whereupon, I went into his bedroom and saw something I wasn't prepared for. He floored me and I can't relay to you what all I was witness to because he showed me things I've never seen before and cannot begin to spell.

By the end I wished other guys had been there but overall I had a great time and will be going back for more.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Between classes I would sleep in my university library at a nice, quite, hidden away little table. Then this ugly middle aged woman kept coming and sitting at the only other table in that area and every time I'd wake up I'd find her staring at me. After that I started sleeping in the basement.