The (Un)official write anything you want page

Man, FUCK Habanero Doritos. Seriously. I got a craving for them, I ate too many, which led me to drink lots of water, which in turn basically turned my shit into tar. Hot, fiery, burning tar. Tar from the depths of hell itself. I didn't even get to release all of it, because apprently, it doesn't want to leave my body. And now I have to wait for the rest to pull a sneak attack before I can feel safe again. It's like the calm before the storm.
habanero doritos don't really pack that much of a punch if you ask me. the first time i had them i was slamming them by the firstful, noticed the HOT SPICY on the bag, and continued slamming, with no ill effects. not really by the fistful, but still, you guys are wimps
:kickass: cheers for beating the addiction!

Thanks! :kickass:

7 to 9 cigs a week is an addiction? i dunno...i smoke almost that much and i wouldn't say i'm addicted at all, i'll go for a week without smoking without batting an eye. but yeah, good for you giving it up deadlioness, i just don't care enough to not smoke when all my friends around me at the bar are rolling cigs i guess...nasty habi

Yeah, I hear ya: I used to be the same: sometimes weeks went by without smoking at all. I never really called it an "addiction" but truth is: I craved them everytime I was in a bar. So no more. I feel a lot better now.
You know what I noticed? hangovers are A LOT BETTER the morning after without smoking!! haha.
I got a job! Only a temporary one for five weeks or so, but at least it means I'll actually have some cash for Christmas. Sounds ideal as well - I get an office to myself away from people where I just have to sit, rock out to metal on my earphones and do data entry until hometime. Suits me.
I got a job! Only a temporary one for five weeks or so, but at least it means I'll actually have some cash for Christmas. Sounds ideal as well - I get an office to myself away from people where I just have to sit, rock out to metal on my earphones and do data entry until hometime. Suits me.

Congrats!! you just reminded me however, how close Christmas is... :zombie:
Im actually moving back to Oklahoma in March, you can call me the Okie then, or the Mexican works too. My job is fun accept for the stupid people who ask me " is MOTOR HOME MASSACRE a good one? " I actually refused to sell Bloodrayne to a dude the other day. I asked him if hes seen House OF The Dead and Alone In the Dark , he said yes, i said well there all the same director and he promtly turned around and put it back. I lost a sale but I didnt really care. Best job I had was when I was a professional bag pipe player for 7 years . Best job ever. Unfortunately I got lazy and started playing guitar instead.
Springfield has had 10 robberies in the past 4 days. the same guy too.
a guy even got shot in the gut...
A robbery happened 2 blocks from where I work today.

ok, so they caught this guy after robbing 11 places.
He was caught in August for robbing 3 places and got out on 20,000$ bail.
Total drug money it would seem.
but get this... in 87/88? He broke into some ladies house and raped her at knife point.
This guy should get his balls chopped off then be beheaded.
fucking pisses me off! :mad:
Today I was signing up for classes next semester at college, and asked the counselor about if I joined the Marines before I finished my degree, would I be able to come back after I'm out of the Corps and finish from where I left off. After he said I could, I got my schedule and left. On the way back to my truck, I caught a glimpse of a card on the ground, did a double take and it was a Marines recruiting card. So I picked it up and put it in my pocket. What luck, eh?
Im actually moving back to Oklahoma in March, you can call me the Okie then, or the Mexican works too. My job is fun accept for the stupid people who ask me " is MOTOR HOME MASSACRE a good one? " I actually refused to sell Bloodrayne to a dude the other day. I asked him if hes seen House OF The Dead and Alone In the Dark , he said yes, i said well there all the same director and he promtly turned around and put it back. I lost a sale but I didnt really care. Best job I had was when I was a professional bag pipe player for 7 years . Best job ever. Unfortunately I got lazy and started playing guitar instead.
do your job you asshole