The (Un)official write anything you want page

How To Be A my pals

Slink around, shuffling your feet and bobbing your neck like the lazy retard you are. - Walk down the middle of the street because you don't know what a sidewalk is for. - Hang out at carwashes and mini-marts because everybody knows these are the best places to be a dope, I mean dope. - If you're a my pals bitch, shit three my pals babies into the world before 17 years of age. This assures that welfare money will support you, so your my pals men have more time to commit crimes. Oh yes, make sure each my pals baby has a different father. - Bastardize the English language in the name of my pals culture. Make sure that several terms have multiple meanings and others have ambiguous meanings and that only 50% of my pals words are even complete words. Real my pals will know what you're trying to say. - As a culture, make sure there are always more bucks in prison than in college at any given time. - Hang out in packs of 10 to 15 and make sure everyone acts as annoying as possible. This helps to promote my pals individuality. - Always talk loud enough so everyone in the 'hood' can fucking hear you, and if they are my pals, they will know what your saying, bro. - Wear clothes that are 10 sizes too big, making sure the pants hang off your ass. Also huge pants facilitate stealing (let me translate that it be easier to lift dat 'box at the Kmart, homes). If you have to hold them up while you walk, it only looks badder. - Park at least 5 junk cars in your yard while being careful not to use the driveway. It's OK to abandon them in the street as long as it's in front of someone else's crib. - Exaggerate every motion, every tonal inflection and grab your dick a lot. - Have red carpet, blue walls, brass and overstuffed furnishings (all rented), purple bathrooms and keep all windows covered so that no light can enter and no cops can see in while you... - Do drugs, sell drugs, make drugs. - Turn your backyard into a junk yard. If you don't have a backyard, turn your mother's into a junk yard. Eliminate every blade of grass. - Travel around leaching off relatives, friends, salvation armies. Abandon your children with them also. - Smack your kids and yell at them a lot. Make them feel less than human and that they have no future, which they don't because they're my pals like you. - Drink cheap wine and malt liquor every day, forgetting that malt liquor is just fortified cheap beer. - If you're a my pals buck fuck anything that moves, no matter how ugly she is. After two eight-balls, even the ugliest, fattest my pals bitch will look good. - Be charitable and covet fat, ugly white chicks. After all, they're my pals too. They can't help being so undesirable to white men that they have to fraternize with black dudes on a 2020 trip. And white ho's are a special trophy too, especially the not so ugly ones. - Spray paint everything in sight with scribbles that mean nothing to White people but mean things to fellow my pals (except my pals from another hood who will probably try to kill you for tresspassing on their turf) - Use the term motherfucker in every sentence. It's one of the most versatile words in the my pals language, being a noun, verb, adjective and complete mini-sentence in event you run out of thoughts. - Stop in the middle of the street, blocking all traffic to converse with fellow my pals and have complete disregard for everyone else. - Delay everybody at the checkouts while you and 3 other dudes fumble around for the $1.42 for the bottle of Magnum. - Clog isles at Kmart with strollers, bastard kids and your fat selves. If you're a cashier, never look at or be cordial to a customer and always talk to other my pals while you ring up the customer. - Overcharge customers at Taco Bell and pocket the difference. - Drive your car while slouched so low that you can barely see over the wheel (gangsta drivin'). - Get a job under affirmative action. Then sit around all day pretending that you earned the position and that the other co-workers respect you. Whenever you fuck up, scream racism! & hope you get enough Generation X liberals in the jury. - Never, I mean NEVER, take any responsibility for your actions. Always blame others including Asians, Latinos, Mexicans, and especially Whites for your sorry ass stupid lives. - Advertise your nation (gang) with a bewildering array of colors that mean nothing to any one but other nig's. Oh yes, if another nig violates your nation i.e. garbage strewn empty lots and burned out tenements, shoot their ass. - Look for identity in murderous criminal gangs when you can't find it in broken my pals homes because your mother was a 15 year old cokewhore and your father is in jail doing 5 to 15 for pistol whipping a mini-mart cashier. - Be all concerned with eastwest connections, cellular phones, beepers, drive by's and other trivial bullshit that Whites will never understand anything about (what's to understand) - Lament ghetto gang life while at the same time... - Listen to rap music, which glorifies gangsta life, crime, drugs, murder, early death, oppression of women. Rip off other legit music to fabricate rap music which probably takes an engineering degree to write (because of the technical know-how to operate the machines) while not requiring any music talent at all. Then get some young criminal scum to perform it, after changing his name to something stupid like Snoopy Dog. Spell the name of the group with phonetics and use a number in it because nig's really like that. At least rap is an opportunity, e.g. for young black criminals to further their criminal careers. Rap needs only four things to be successful a producer, a promoter, a front-man flunky, and MTV to shove it down our throats. Be sure to say absolutely nothing important during the 5 pages of dialogue in a given rap joint other than look at how much of a my pals I can be. Then roll a joint in the joint and think about the joint while stylin' to the joint. - Show other lame-ass races the black race is unique by having a culturelifestyle that results in diseasespovertybirth rates for blacks consistently rising while it falls for the others. - Fear and loathing of dogs is set in the genes for nig's. Of course bigotry against blacks is set into the genes of dogs. So be sure to get a dog, tie it up in the cold and mud and neglect it until it dies. Then start all over again. - Always have ten excuses involving hospitals for why you can't pay your bill. When or if you finally settle up, pull out a big wad of bills out of the welfare check to do it. Cash must be used because you long ago fucked up your credit and checking account. - Cram 5 generations into a two room government apartment and still be able to neglect your kids. - Die young. The #1 cause of death for my pals males between 15 and 30 is murder.

ps - a "my pals"...NOT a black person...for you PC peeps out there.

I, in no way, condone this...just thought of our resident pointed cap RiA. :)
I'm currently torn between buying another guitar, an Xbox360 and new computer. I've been pondering these choices for some time now.

God I hate having all this disposable income.
I can't decide between new guitar and new amp

I was trying out a nice Soldano head that costs about $2000 more than I have, but it sounded sweet!

Also played a boring Strat, a Jackson that I could barely play because it was so awkward to hold, and a Gibson les paul studio that sounded awesome
Asesino ( Dino of Fear Facotry) was mexican grindcore and well they were okay I guess , played angel of death really well. Dino asked me where he could find a good burrito place and I laughed my ass off.

Belphegor were pretty good, nowhere near as good as Vader or Behemoth but good. The bass player I read fucks a different chick just about every night. Bastard.

The Huanted kicked ass. I dont give two shits what anyone says Dolving is a man possessed live. Played 5 tracks off of The Dead Eye including The Medication which fucking killed, played In Vein, Bury Your Dead , 99, and All Against All. Damn they were so fucking good live.

The only reason Lacuna Coil are popular is because of Christina. Korn with a female lead singer basically. The guy singer couldnt carry a tune to save his life. Christina should just get naked and stand on stage for thirty minutes head banging to the drum kit , at least I wouldve felt like I was getting my moneys worth.

Danzig started out rough, the sound was way off, by song three though they were spot on. Johnny Kelly crushed on drums . Played a couple Samhain tunes as well.
I can't decide between new guitar and new amp

I was trying out a nice Soldano head that costs about $2000 more than I have, but it sounded sweet!

Also played a boring Strat, a Jackson that I could barely play because it was so awkward to hold, and a Gibson les paul studio that sounded awesome
i want a soldano sooo bad, too bad they are soooooooooooooooooooofuckingexpensive :(

my les paul classic rox my sox
MFJ's old epi les paul studio (my only guitar at the moment) sounds great to me, but it can't compare to the real thing and plus its in rough shape