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Previously Unknown Prejudice Against Japanese Surfaces During Game Of Battleship

December 7, 2006 | Issue 42•49

SAN FRANCISCO—An otherwise unremarkable game of Battleship, the time-honored naval-themed contest of double-blind coordinate prediction, resulted in a completely unheralded display of anti-Japanese bias by participant Ronald Clark, 39. "I thought you'd guess G-5, you clever Nip bastards," Clark muttered under his breath loudly enough to be heard by everyone in the family living room. "Good with numbers, aren't you, you slanty-eyed yellow bug-eaters?" Sources close to Clark later noted that when playing Monopoly, he usually refused to purchase property in cheaper, lower-rent neighborhoods because the "fucking beaners always trash the places anyway."

Apparently a black woman in the U.S. named her children Orangejello, Lemonjello, and Shithead.

Orangejello pronounced or-on-gel-oh
Lemonjello pronounced lem-on-gel-oh
Shithead pronounced shi-teed

I heard that before, and it was because she liked Orange Jello and Lemon Jello at the hospital.
traveling is fun

i went to arica in the north of chile. they get 0.8mm of precipitation a year. nice place. drank too much (er i mean, just enough am i rite), sexxed up a sexxxy chilean bint. next.

then i went to la paz, bolivia. holy crap bolivia is fucking poor. la paz is also the highest altitude capital city in the world, and the streets were totally crowded with people selling everything from socks to coca leaves. everything there is fucking cheap too, naturally. next.

then i went to lake titicaca and saw some floating reed islands. sweet. next.

now i'm in cusco, peru...partied hard last night, saw some sweet ruins today, going to machu picchu tomorrow. :heh:

gotta come home in a week. dammit.

oh, er pics eventually i guess