The (Un)official write anything you want page

good shit.

doomcifer, how cold is it in RI? in the valley i'm living in, it's been -25f (with the wind chill) and snowing for the past three weeks. it kind of sucks.

haha, i though tyou liked the extremities. :loco: :kickass:

It's fucking cold here, but not THAT cold. Not much snow AT ALL, but it has been hovering in the mid-teens during the day with 20mph wind gusts o freeze the nips at a crazy wind chill. At night and in the morning when I leave for work its usually around 0-5 degrees.
It snowed here once this season. By the time I made and effort to get out and see how the AWD would do, it was melted. Schools were closed btw. :erk:
Agreed. Not that cold here though. People are just pussies. I saw this bint wearing an all-out parka pulled up so all I could see was her eyes.....I was wearing sandals.
I had this awesome plan to spend all day getting drunk today. It never came to fruition and I spent all day slowly plotting the course of my life and deciding whether I should stay in L.A. or move up to Oregon.

heh. don't get me wrong, i love the cold, but when i live in vermont and the warmest thing i have is a not-very-warm hemp jacket, you start to get a little bit chilly when you have to walk ten minutes across campus in a fucking blizzard.

luckily my school is 10 minutes in either direction, it's a small one.
"Live Aid was about asking people to stump up money, this is about effecting systemic change.

"The aim is not just to drive awareness but to get people to take action."

These actions are likely to include personal pledges to reduce emissions, for instance by using energy efficient equipment or flying less.

FUCKING RETARDED!! How often does the average person fly anyways?!?! Usually only when they really need to go from point A to point B.

"Hey Johnny want to fly to Germany for the afternoon and get back by midnight?!?!"

The system needs to change, us pennyless paupers have very little power in the matter. Kumbaya will not prevent deforestation.