The (Un)official write anything you want page

lol @ trylakos

It's been typical for us, snowed with accumulation twice so far. Nothing out of the ordinary. People here are fucking retarded though. It was in the 20s today and I was walking around in sandals and a t-shirt. People were like, "Jaysus, son! Dontcha know it's cold outside?!" Honestly, 20s is not that cold. I'm amazed, however, at the snow you Northeastern fuckers are getting. Utterly amazing.
I bet you really do hate your wife.

Nah, but I honestly just wish she'd file for divorce. She has some incredible positives but our relationship has become completely platonic and we have severe differences in belief systems, hers being of the Christian variety. Note to you youngsters: do not I repeat, DO NOT have children before having everything sorted out between you and your partner