The (Un)official write anything you want page

You probably had to be there (and a Cryptopsy fan) but:
The other day I was administering a medical treatment on this older gentleman who happened to be a preacher. It was the third day in a row that I had done it, so we had time to exchange a few words but really I hadn't revealed anything deeper than my name.

So, at one point on that particular day his preacher friend comes in to visit him (I made it clear earlier that there were to be no visitors but I guess clergy do what they want - they also get special parking places :erk:). They talk for a few minutes and I'm barely eavesdropping when:

Friend: "Well, I better get going. Let me read you a Psalm before I go."
Preacher-patient: "Good. Jonathan will listen too. He's a good Christian boy."
Me (Jonathan): *snicker*
Friend: "Let's read Psalm 91. 'Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night...' "
Me: :headbang:

I also thought it was funny when the dude's entire family wanted to pray over him which is a common practice among Christians that involves holding hands :erk:
Daughter: "Let's pray over Jonathan too. Can you join hands with us? Oh wait, you have gloves on, you need to stay clean."
Me: "Yeah, that's it." :lol:

Disclaimer: I'm not ripping on Christians. That family was pleasant and well-educated. I just thought it was funny when the dude started reading Track 9 of Once Was Not.
Unless you've got a few priors I wouldnt worry about jail time to be honest, even for class D felony's. Unless of course you had several pounds on you...
One time a cop confronted me about smoking weed. I simply lied to him and said I wasn't doing that, even though I clearly was. He just left, no problem.
That was a really annoying day. I guess we could have chose a better location to smoke than behind a tree right next to a major intersection, but hey...
I know im like 17 years late but One Rode to Asa Bay just completly clicked with me, the song just finished as i write this. Fuck me was that awesome I see what you guys are on about now :)

I love the album but this song doesn't stand out to me yet.
I know im like 17 years late but One Rode to Asa Bay just completly clicked with me, the song just finished as i write this. Fuck me was that awesome I see what you guys are on about now :)

I know exactly what you mean. Bathory didnt really "click" with me till a little while ago, and it was that song that really did it. I remember when I finally got it, I couldn't believe it. So awesome.