The (Un)official write anything you want page

AH HA! Article 15 of the Japanese Labor Standards Law states that a contract may be immediately cancelled if actual working conditions vary from what was stated!

I win, Japan.

AH HA! Article 15 of the Japanese Labor Standards Law states that a contract may be immediately cancelled if actual working conditions vary from what was stated!

I win, Japan.

Hahaha. It's like you're in a maximum security prison, and you spend all your time plotting and planning.

Today I woke up, poured a bowl of cereal and then found out I was out of milk. :(

I hate when I do that.
Nothing burns my britches more than being rudely spoken to by an ill tempered senior citizen. Especially when that senior citizen signs your checks.

Ahhh fuck!

P.S Fuck Japan!!! Bomb them again!

P.S part deux- Mitt Romney for President

P.S part three - I'm too lazy to do a recommendation. I'll sell my slot for $10

P.S Part Four - I'd permit Evangeline Lilly to Urinate in my glass of milk.
That's it. I need to buy a single-level house. :mad:

I got home from my leg workout a little while ago and as if it isnt bad enough walking up the stairs, I have to go down the stairs on my ass so my legs wont give out on me. :(
That's it. I need to buy a single-level house. :mad:

I got home from my leg workout a little while ago and as if it isnt bad enough walking up the stairs, I have to go down the stairs on my ass so my legs wont give out on me. :(

A couple years ago I taxed my legs harder than the British did tea. As I exited the bus that was taking me from Point Eh to Point Bee, my legs gave out on the three step stairwell, leaving my torso battered and humiliated on the curb as lowly angelinos stared at me as if I were inflicted with Polio. It's a great feeling though. Looking forward to it this Sunday. :heh:

P.S I have not had 1 alcoholic beverage in 32 days. :zombie:
I haven't had any alcohol in about 3 days and I'm going nuts...

I haven't had a cigarette in 12 hours and I'm going nuts...

I need substance!