The (Un)official write anything you want page

I'm in the crossover stages between analogue and digital, which means I have a digital 8-track styled like the old tape 4-tracks of yore, still independent of a computer until I'm done mastering when I transfer the .wav file to a PC.

Full computer-based studio is a bit in the works, but not until I'm ready to do better-than-demo quality stuff. I'm pretty content with hearing punch-in clicks and messed up doubletracking, with an $8,000 Cakewalk home studio I'll have no more excuses to clean up my mess. :)

hahaha yeah... i'm totally working with absolute garbage right now. this EP currently has worse production than my demo, but it's fucking black metal so stfu LOL

but seriously, the real drums will be a nice addition... and the good vocals....
Awesome, that means I can record the drums super necro black metal style, aka one mic hanging overhead in a reverb filled concrete room haha.

hey man, as long every drum/cymbal is audible, do whatever you want! i'm sending the song segments to erik tomorrow so they can be edited and put together into an actual song, and then it'll be sent off to you.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: hi
Dodens Grav says: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjkgyctdrt
The Cinnamon Moogle says: ok ok
The Cinnamon Moogle says: SALUTATIONS!!
Dodens Grav says: higbvgbvgbvgbvgbvgbvgbv
Dodens Grav says: gvu
Dodens Grav says: jii
Dodens Grav says: hi
The Cinnamon Moogle says: hi
The Cinnamon Moogle says: trying new fonts
The Cinnamon Moogle says: hm
The Cinnamon Moogle says: nice
The Cinnamon Moogle says: So, what are your intrests?
Dodens Grav says: ur mom
Dodens Grav says: - Dragon And Unicorn.JPG
The Cinnamon Moogle says: seriously man, the whole 'mom' just isn't funny or insulting anymore, it's just annoying, people should totally drop it
Dodens Grav says: ur mom
Dodens Grav says:
The Cinnamon Moogle says: ok
The Cinnamon Moogle says: what are your intrests............besides my mom
Dodens Grav says: MUSIC
The Cinnamon Moogle says: how about something a bit more specific? I mean, everybody says music
Dodens Grav says: UR MOM's music
Dodens Grav says: Metal
The Cinnamon Moogle says: ok, how about something BESIDES music? I meant that everybody says music, say something diffrent, do you like drawing?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: crap like that, something that I don't hear every fricking day
Dodens Grav says: I like sticking spoons up my ass
Dodens Grav says: the handle end
Dodens Grav says: usually the handle end
The Cinnamon Moogle says: .....
The Cinnamon Moogle says: ok
Dodens Grav says: are you into anything like that?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Inserting spoons into my rectum? no.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I'm intrested in poetry.
Dodens Grav says: You never know until you try it. I thought crapping in my underwear was weird too, until I did it by accident once.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I hope you're not serious.
Dodens Grav says: Why?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Because both said actions are weird.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I mean, crapping in your underwear? to keep it simple, it's fucking unsanitary, and disgusting.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Are you intrested in anything that doesn't directly have something to do with your ass?
Dodens Grav says: I pee a little in my pants sometimes.
Dodens Grav says: I like it
Dodens Grav says: Do you ever do that?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: No, but peeing is always a pleasure.
Dodens Grav says: you should do it in your pants
Dodens Grav says: the extra restraint on your private makes it feel even better
The Cinnamon Moogle says: LOL
The Cinnamon Moogle says: One time, I had a dream I was peeing, and when I became half-awake, I felt the radius of warmth around my private grow tangibly slow. I wake up to find I pee in my bed
Dodens Grav says: It's even better when you're aware of it and controlling it.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Ya know, I feel like talking about something else
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Something serious.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Poetry?
Dodens Grav says: I like strawberries.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Where do you live?
Dodens Grav says: Colorado
Dodens Grav says: There are a lot of nice strawberries fields here.
Dodens Grav says: And a lot of meadows.
Dodens Grav says: I like to run through the meadows.
Dodens Grav says: And roll around in the flowers.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: heh, that's good.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Do you have any hobbies?
Dodens Grav says: I already told you my main hobbies
Dodens Grav says: I read a little too
Dodens Grav says: Some fantasy
Dodens Grav says: and the classics
Dodens Grav says: But mostly fetish books
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Do you read any of Poe's works?
Dodens Grav says: Not really, but I have a book of his poetry. I try to memorize some of the titles so I can bring them up and make myself look smart.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: LOL
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.
Dodens Grav says: I like depressing things. It's like, the only thing we have left. There's no reason to be happy unless you can make yourself happy.
Dodens Grav says: That's why I crap in my pants and stick spoons into my ass.
Dodens Grav says: I like those gag balls too, it's kind of fun.
Dodens Grav says: Did you ever use one?
Dodens Grav says: I saw it in Pulp Fiction and knew it was for me.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I'm unfamiliar with the term Gag Ball
Dodens Grav says: It's like a strap that has a rubber ball, and you stick the ball in your mouth so you can't close it, and then you put the strap around your head, so it kind of gags you.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: 'gags' you? like, tickling your throat like you're almost going to throw up?
Dodens Grav says: It depends on what kind of ball you use, but that's the kind I like
The Cinnamon Moogle says: This is fun?
Dodens Grav says: I guess. It's a real sense of pleasure. It's hard to describe unless you experience it.
Dodens Grav says: Do you want me to send you a gag ball? I can mail one to you if you like
The Cinnamon Moogle says: uhhh.....heh, no thanks
Dodens Grav says: Are you sure? I know it's weird at first and a little uncomfortable, but it's really good after a while. Relaxing almost.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: LOL first of all, I'd seriously doubt you'd actualy send me one, second, I don't want to introduce myself into any stuff like thta.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: *that
Dodens Grav says: What do you mean 'stuff like that?' Do you look down on me because I like gag balls?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Actually I don't look down on you, but I don't like those kind of things...
Dodens Grav says: You've never tried it though
The Cinnamon Moogle says: True, and I might like them if I tried, but I don't want to like them.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I don't watch alot of porn for that matter, sure I have my times, but I think watching too much porn causes psychologically negative effects.
Dodens Grav says: I don't watch any porn. I don't believe in sex
The Cinnamon Moogle says: You don't beleive in sex? how does that go?
Dodens Grav says: Like I said before, I don't believe happiness is true unless it can be done by yourself
Dodens Grav says: And I won't have sex with myself again, that was a bad experience.
Dodens Grav says: Not to mention expensive when you tally in the cost of the surgeries, and then all of the embarrassment and criticism.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Are you talking about masturbation?
Dodens Grav says: No, I don't really consider that sex
The Cinnamon Moogle says: What do you mean by 'sex with yourself'?
Dodens Grav says: Well, gay sex, only, with one person, and I'm not gay.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: How can you have sex with yourself? Am I missing something here?
Dodens Grav says: Well it didn't really work out, but I tried.
Dodens Grav says: I had a lot of surgery done.
Dodens Grav says: First, I had my penis extended to about 15 inches, and the doctors did something so that the first 7 inches would remain fleshy through an erection so that it would bend.
Dodens Grav says: Then I have my anus lowered to slightly lower than the ball sack and slightly nearer to the left leg, for more flexibility.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I really don't beleive you.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: But let's talk about something else.
Dodens Grav says: Why don't you believe me?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Because it's hard to
The Cinnamon Moogle says: But aside from that.....why did you have a surgery like that? did you actualy intend to have sex with yourself?
Dodens Grav says: Yes, I did. I told you that I tried to
Dodens Grav says: It didn't really work though, because you have to control both the penis and the anus manually, and it's hard to do both at the same time.
Dodens Grav says: I had the surgery reversed, with many repercussions unfortunately, because it really wasn't worth it.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: .....
The Cinnamon Moogle says: give me a moment.
Dodens Grav says: okay
The Cinnamon Moogle says: back, just needed to check something.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Ok, now I think you told me before you were 17.....your parents approved of this surgery?
Dodens Grav says: I haven't talked to my parents in...probably about 5 years
Dodens Grav says: I'm living with a family friend
Dodens Grav says: have been since my parents left me
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Sorry to hear that.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: So you're family friend....He's above 20 or something right?
Dodens Grav says: She. She's 32. Very nice, and opened-minded. Obviously, because she's a lesbian.
Dodens Grav says: Her wife is very nice too, but she's new around here, so she doesn't know about my little incident
The Cinnamon Moogle says: But your family friend does, and she approved of the surgery?
Dodens Grav says: Yeah, she helped me pay for it
Dodens Grav says: She said whatever makes me happy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else
Dodens Grav says: I don't know what I would do without her
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I'd seriously like to comment on this, but I fear I may offend.
Dodens Grav says: That's okay, I'm pretty much immune to comments, and as long as it's not meant to offend, I don't mind at all
The Cinnamon Moogle says: ok
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Now, I truly beleive your family friend (to be called Jen from now on, it's tiring writing family friend)
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Jen, should've actually told you not to do the surgery. Now I'm a person who beleives in performing desire, but only to a certain extent.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: You really shouldn't have played with yourself and all, it was quite irresponsible, and may I say -with no offense- that the larger irresponsibility lies with Jen, she should've at least told you that this was not going to do you well, if she thought that, that is.
Dodens Grav says: I have to agree with you there, I was a lot more immature when I did this, and I regretted it
Dodens Grav says: her name is Mary by the way
Dodens Grav says: If I would've asked her now, I believe she would've convinced me out of it, also
Dodens Grav says: We've grown up with each a lot in the last few years
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Would she have convinced you out of it if you asked at that time?
Dodens Grav says: Well I think you already know the answer to that.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: K, sorry.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: heheh, it's kind of funny actually.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: We think we are right so much of the time, and we tell ppl what they should do, and the time comes, few of us actually make the right choice.
Dodens Grav says: Yeah, I used to criticise a lot of the things that I'm a part of now, and shunned people like me, but now I see that I was wrong.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Ya know, I think a big mistake with people is that they care too much about what other people do (excluding close ones) and too little of what they themselves do.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I like to debate mind you, alot about social problems and that, but when you talk about other people's mistakes so much, it starts to feel like an obligation. I've been spared many a headache after I dropped the habit.
Dodens Grav says: Yeah, me too. I've become a lot more accepting of others' habits too, after I got into all of my new habits.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Actually, I disapprove of what alot of people do, Ijust don't talk about it as much.
The Cinnamon Moogle says:
I like to think I'm open minded, but then come the people who are claimingly so but are only open to bad things -to refrain from saying 'corruption, mind you-,
Dodens Grav says: Yeah, a lot of people like to throw around the term open minded, when all they're really open to is what they feel is right, and that everyone who does things they're against is automatically a bad person.
Dodens Grav says: But I wouldn't consider myself a bad person because I crap in my pants, or my friend a bad person for being a lesbian, because once you get to know us, we're really nice people
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Heh, too many people see 'nice' and 'corrupted' as black and white.....not that I'm talking about you that is
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Want to talk about homosexuality?
Dodens Grav says: Sure
Dodens Grav says: what's your take on it?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: To keep it simple, I think it's bad.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Here it is, I'm not gonna say kill all the homos in the world, but at the same time, it's not something good. At some mental level, I pity homosexuals, but I view it as 'wrong'.
Dodens Grav says: I don't like it when it turns into a lifestyle, but I don't see anything wrong with the simple sexual orientation complex
The Cinnamon Moogle says: What do you mean by 'lifestyle'?
Dodens Grav says: Well you know, like how it's almost become 'cool' to be gay. Like Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. I know people who are straighter than me that simply act 'gay' for whatever reason. It's more of an image than a pure feeling from being gay
The Cinnamon Moogle says: heh, that's odd.....
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Alot of times, I like to make gay jokes, but nobody thinks I'm gay
Dodens Grav says: I don't like homosexuals when being homosexual becomes more important than being a person.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I don't think I understand that.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Ya know, people make so many TV shows and commercials and psuedo-Oprah programs about not lying to yourself and crap.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Well, homosexuality is not right because it's not supposed to happen.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: When you DON'T act like a guy ( and you're a guy) aren't you lying to yourself? do you see my point here?
Dodens Grav says: I see your point, but if a guy doesn't really feel like a guy, meaning like how a 'guy' (by stereotypical definition) is supposed to feel, then I don't think he's lying to himself if his feelings are genuine
The Cinnamon Moogle says: True, but doesn't that imply a serious psychological disorder?
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Therapy?
Dodens Grav says: I don't really think it's a disorder, like it's unnatural. A different chemical makeup isn't necessarily an error, but society's so bent on our own image of a guy that any deviant is looked at as an unnatural, and I don't agree with that.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Why don't you think it's an error? People should have self-confidence, if they don't it's an error. People shouldn't be hateful, if they do, it's an error. It's the same here.
Dodens Grav says: I see it more due to the fact that humans have completely independent minds than any error.
Dodens Grav says: Our chemical waves don't control every thought we have
The Cinnamon Moogle says: true true
The Cinnamon Moogle says: *sigh* I still think it's psychologically negative
The Cinnamon Moogle says: However, let's talk about something else
The Cinnamon Moogle says: .....poetry?
Dodens Grav says: Like I said before, I'm not really into poetry, and hardly know anything about it, but I like to convince people that I do, so it would be a waste of time
The Cinnamon Moogle says: lol
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I used to think I was poet, I went to this site and there some good poets there. I wised up a bit and am moving away from 'emo' and 'angst'
Dodens Grav says: I used to think I was a self-pleasure expert, but I've seen things on websites I couldn't even fathom. It's actually a bit frightening, the things I've seen. Some I wouldn't even try without being drunk or stoned
The Cinnamon Moogle says: Some no human should try even in said state heh.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: wait, weren't we talking about poetry?
Dodens Grav says: lol, I guess I got a little distracted
Dodens Grav says: It's just that I know a lot more about self-pleasure than poetry
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I've been a bit curios - a term more apt than tempted- to insert my finger into my rectum while masturbating
Dodens Grav says: It enhances the experience a lot, but, while you have a lot more control of your finger, it may be better to use something else for more pleasure
The Cinnamon Moogle says: I'm not gonna try it.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: When I get married, I'll just do all the things I've wanted to do.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: But I'll keep it plain, nothing up the ass....of either of us.
Dodens Grav says: Haha, well if you ever change your mind, you know who to talk to
The Cinnamon Moogle says: =)
Dodens Grav says: I'm getting kind of tired, I tink I'm gonna go.
The Cinnamon Moogle says: =( bye
Dodens Grav says: see ya
Hmm so this girl I know asked me why Im always so shy, timid, and apologetic, if it linked up to any past experience, and i realize it probably does. My old friends used to always beat me up until I would admit things I didn't do, or was impossible to have control over, were my fault. One particular incident I shunned from my mind was when these friends beat me up, and pulled my pants down ,and tried to get me erect because they wanted to see what it was like.

Or maybe this has nothing to do with it?

anyways probably too much personal info for the internet, but oh well
Hmm so this girl I know asked me why Im always so shy, timid, and apologetic, if it linked up to any past experience, and i realize it probably does. My old friends used to always beat me up until I would admit things I didn't do, or was impossible to have control over, were my fault. One particular incident I shunned from my mind was when these friends beat me up, and pulled my pants down ,and tried to get me erect because they wanted to see what it was like.

Or maybe this has nothing to do with it?

anyways probably too much personal info for the internet, but oh well

Think of the bright side... At least they didn't stick various household cleaning agent bottles in your ass while doing it.
Think of the bright side... At least they didn't stick various household cleaning agent bottles in your ass while doing it.

yeah that's true. still i can see that being specifically traumatizing with or without insertion into the ass.

definitely pretty personal for the internet though, especially not when prompted by anything.
I'm glad I never had a Windex bottle shoved up my ass.

Then again, maybe that'd be cool, if it was placed right. Whenever I farted I could spray Windex on a window.

"Hey asshole, you farted!"
"But with one wipe, your window is clean... and streak-free!"
you need to kick some ass. i want to see a picture of you to compare to tom cruise.

Kick some ass? These two were only like 3 and 8 years old. (But don't think I didn't give it serious consideration.)

And I guess I am overdue on posting a picture of myself, eh?

:oops: :zombie: :oops:

Thanatopsis where do you teach?

On the Japan Sea coast.
Speaking of Myschlitz, my favorite part of the whole shebang is the shitty designs that most people come up with, it reminds me of all the beginner websites back in 1994 with random images placed haphazardly and massively divergent font sizes, colors, and styles all within the same paragraph

oh man so true, hahaha. which brings me to the question of who will win '08: it'll be the candidate with the best myspace page, like with incubus songs and a thing that turns your mouse cursor into an american flag. hillary clinton definitely has an advantage because she can take pictures of her cleavage and eye shadow.