The (Un)official write anything you want page

Ah yes, and after being here for about 4 months, I was finally hit in the nuts by students. One student and one sister of a student suddenly decided to punch me in the crotch out of fucking nowhere. Go figure.

you need to kick some ass. i want to see a picture of you to compare to tom cruise.
There's a whole lot of swearing involved during my recording sessions, one would think I was trying to skin a cat that kept getting away from my grip.

My favorite moments involve the 3rd take of a 3 minute section, which turns out absolutely PERFECT, and as I go to press Stop I realize I never hit Record in the first place. Oh, joy.

Oh, fudge. I think it's broken. Fiddly-dee! That will require a tetanus shot.
My favorite moments involve the 3rd take of a 3 minute section, which turns out absolutely PERFECT, and as I go to press Stop I realized I never hit Record in the first place. Oh, joy.

hahahaha i hear you bro. i used to try recording while high all the time, and pretty much 30% of the takes would end up like this. you can hear a lot of "ohhh mannnnnnnnnnn"s on my old tapes.
So I've noticed that all presidential candidates have Myspork profiles.

I started to make a new thread about it, but what's to discuss? WTF and be done with it.

I remember reading an article about Tom Anderson and that other dude last year, thinking how brilliant they were when it came to making all kinds of cash.

In other words, completely useless to society but revered all the same.
So I've noticed that all presidential candidates have Myspork profiles.

I started to make a new thread about it, but what's to discuss? WTF and be done with it.

so who do you think is going to take the prize in 08?
so who do you think is going to take the prize in 08?
Bush. He'll find a way. :loco:

I honestly haven't paid much attention to the "new" faces, yet, but I'm fully convinced that whoever gets the Republican nomination will win. Is this country sick of the war and of Bush? Yes. Does Karl Rove have a year and a half to turn public opinion around? Yes. Has there been a black helicopter orbiting my house for the past 2 nights around 1:30am? Yes. :dopey:

Speaking of Myschlitz, my favorite part of the whole shebang is the shitty designs that most people come up with, it reminds me of all the beginner websites back in 1994 with random images placed haphazardly and massively divergent font sizes, colors, and styles all within the same paragraph. Pretty much this type of madness all over again:
i fucking hate recording.

I just got done working on a couple of riff ideas for the night. I'm basically sticking individual riffs down in cubase and using the play order track to try them out next to each other to see if they fit. Well, I just recorded two, and they would have fit together perfectly, except I forgot one single, solitary beat in the bar at the end of the first riff. So, I just spent the last fifteen minutes or so quickly adding a one-bar drumbeat, quad-tracking a single chord going 'durr!' for half-a-second, and re-ordering the track.
I just got done working on a couple of riff ideas for the night. I'm basically sticking individual riffs down in cubase and using the play order track to try them out next to each other to see if they fit. Well, I just recorded two, and they would have fit together perfectly, except I forgot one single, solitary beat in the bar at the end of the first riff. So, I just spent the last fifteen minutes or so quickly adding a one-bar drumbeat, quad-tracking a single chord going 'durr!' for half-a-second, and re-ordering the track.

cubase was too fucking complicated for me, so i'm recording my bits on this anaglogue six-track i have and letting erik deal with the computer bullshit. i hope he can actually make a song out of the poorly recorded and shoddily played segments i'm sending him! har har!
cubase was too fucking complicated for me, so i'm recording my bits on this anaglogue six-track i have and letting erik deal with the computer bullshit. i hope he can actually make a song out of the poorly recorded and shoddily played segments i'm sending him! har har!

The first time I tried to use Cubase, it scared the living shit out of me. Then I found a three-DVD set of video tutorials doing the rounds on BitTorrent. I watched, like, the first seven tutorials on the first DVD, and now I'm whizzing around Cubase like I'm at least vaguely competent. :)
I'm in the crossover stages between analogue and digital, which means I have a digital 8-track styled like the old tape 4-tracks of yore, still independent of a computer until I'm done mastering when I transfer the .wav file to a PC.

Full computer-based studio is a bit in the works, but not until I'm ready to do better-than-demo quality stuff. I'm pretty content with hearing punch-in clicks and messed up doubletracking, with an $8,000 Cakewalk home studio I'll have no more excuses and will be forced to clean up my mess. :)