The (Un)official write anything you want page

"This kid I know weighs 450 pounds and is morbidly obese. I'm surprised he hasn't died from it yet. He's only 17. A few of my friends and I went over to his to keep him company since his parents were out of town. He wanted someone to play PS3 with him so we were happy to oblige.

Around 20 minutes into a game of Resistance, the kid goes "i'll be right back, i gotta take a crap." and walks off. I noticed he grabbed a large bucket, which I found strange. What happened next disgusted me beyond all reason.

From the bathroom, I heard a large roar, like a beast of some sort. I asked one of my friends who knows the fat kid a lot better than I do what was going on. His response still haunts me to this day:

"He takes a bucket to the bathroom with him because the smell always makes him puke. All the crusty shit and ass sweat caught in the folds of his fat have been decaying for months because he can't clean himself. As soon as he drops his pants, the shit/sweat stench fills the bathroom and he begins throwing up."

...fucking wow."

So there I was teaching two junior high school students when I look over and see that one has written (very poorly) "Eric has an ugly heart."

I couldn't help but crack up as they both sat there wondering what the fuck I was laughing at.
Hrm, listening to Skunkworks, well one song at the moment since it's on shuffle, and I never understood why people think so little of this album. Sure it's different but it's great too. I've always thought highly of it and would place it behind The Chemical Wedding. Ya know, I need to give Accident of Birth another listen, it's been a long time... *thinking out loud and now in the forum*
I had to call 911 for the first time EVAR today. My son was unresponsive for about 10 minutes. Right before the EMTs got here he woke up and smiled and said, "dada!" I was like, "uhh yeah, he was unresponsive, I swear."
Anyway, he checked out ok at the hospital but he may have had some kind of seizure. :erk:
I had to call 911 for the first time EVAR today. My son was unresponsive for about 10 minutes. Right before the EMTs got here he woke up and smiled and said, "dada!" I was like, "uhh yeah, he was unresponsive, I swear."
Anyway, he checked out ok at the hospital but he may have had some kind of seizure. :erk:

that sucks man ... hope all is well with him.
i probably would have been so scared i'd have stopped breathing and been the one who was unresponsive when they showed up :erk:

hope everything's alright down there, dorian.
so Dorian, what is it with Emergency Rooms in the US? I spent almost 8 freaking hours there the other night with a broken foot but they were literally tending to a few people only ... real slow night.

everyone that dealt with ER's around the US has had the same experience ... everything moves super slow.

in Western Europe on the other hand they jump on you as soon as you walk in, regardless of the problem ... 2 hours max and you're out.

I can understand prioritizing based on the nature of the emergency, but a general snails pace is innexcusable in this profession.

I want my ER like on "ER" :loco:
Thanks duders.

@Lurch: dunno. I've never worked in the ER. We went by ambulance to one of the country's best children's hospitals and we were there for maybe 4 hours. There didn't seem to be much going on. Every time I left the room, all the staff were just chilling. A receptionist was actually asleep. 4 hours is not bad at all imo.

There could be any number of reasons it took you 8 hours. Waiting on lab results? xrays? Waiting on doctors? I have no idea.

All I know is that medical shows have absolutely nothing to do with reality as I'm sure police shows don't either.

btw, you didnt tell how you broke your foot. Whats the scoop?