The (Un)official write anything you want page

i probably would have been so scared i'd have stopped breathing and been the one who was unresponsive when they showed up :erk:

Yeah. I had trouble remembering my phone number when they asked me. I cant imagine how people describe whats going on when they are getting robbed or chased or having a heart attack or whatever.
so Dorian, what is it with Emergency Rooms in the US? I spent almost 8 freaking hours there the other night with a broken foot but they were literally tending to a few people only ... real slow night.

everyone that dealt with ER's around the US has had the same experience ... everything moves super slow.

in Western Europe on the other hand they jump on you as soon as you walk in, regardless of the problem ... 2 hours max and you're out.

I can understand prioritizing based on the nature of the emergency, but a general snails pace is innexcusable in this profession.

I want my ER like on "ER" :loco:

the ER is the only "quick" part of the Canadian medical system. Longest visit... 90 minutes. Shortest: 15

Anything else(not dying/quick treatment required) and theres like a minimum 4 month waiting list.

edit: And I hope the little guy is ok!
Thanks Andy ... what's shaking with you otherwise?

@dorian ... yeah, I was not really phased by the long wait as it happened before, its just odd since its so common.

and the foot, it was really an unglamorous wrong way step off of a ramp in the basement of my building ... bah
Got a new job, working 40-50 hours a week now, sweet.
Also, first night on the job and I got $50 of weed for free. My workmates seem to kick a lot of ass.
The E.R's in Los Angeles are very efficient. They have to be, to cater to all the illegals.

:lol: Later on, the wife's mom told the wife that the ambulance was going to cost alot of money, in spite of our insurance, and she got pissed and said she was going to pretend she was Mexican and not pay for anything.

Semi related: Anders's birth cost around $2000 OOP along with maybe another $1000/year in well-baby health care. That's with insurance that costs me $140, and my employer $320, every two weeks. What do you think uninsured illegals pay for ER visits?
Anyone ever ordered from I placed an order for 4 cds there over a month ago. No sign of them yet, and my 2 mail inquiries have gone unanswered.

Edit: Seems I'm not the only one

Filed a dispute with paypal to get it sorted.

So today he e-mailed me and said that they had had problems with their e-mail server for the last 4 weeks, and that my cds were sent out today. Yeah right... he only got back to me because I filed the dispute with paypal.

I think I have tourrettes. Everytime I go somewhere, I can't sit still and I keep getting the urge to yell random shit out. It's extremely annoying, especially at restaurants.

Apparently, all the circus freaks hang out at Publix. I've never seen so many people that were that ugly in once place at once. :lol:

But there's a girl that works there that looks almost EXACTLY like Tiffani Thiessen, which more than made up for the carni-folk.
I don't get it. I can't have a normal conversation with any Japanese people because even my more advanced students (doctors, students looking to study abroad, fucking ENGLISH TEACHERS) either still suffer from major vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation issues. But then, I go to buy some food at the local store I always go to and realize I've gotten some dessert and pre-cooked stuff so they'll ask me if I want chopsticks and a spoon. So I begin mentally preparing myself to try to recognize when they're asking me what and how to reply. The cashier, however, then asks me exactly what I was expecting but in perfect fucking English. It was some of the best I'd heard since I've gotten here. Granted, they were easy questions but it's the pronunciation that got me. There was no accent what-so-ever. She could have been from Nebraska for all I know. Of course, that unexpected change in routine caught me way off guard to say the least.

God damnit this country can be assbackwards.

It's going to be strange when I get back to the U.S. and can actually expect to understand things.

(most boring and pointless story ever)
I hurt my back somehow last night. Considering I did nothing all day yesterday, how it happened, and what happened, is a complete and total mystery.

I'm home anyway.