The (Un)official write anything you want page

So this guy wrote me a bad check for some shit (picking up some trash on the side of his house while I was one the job) the other day...

I'm gonna get wasted, buy some spray paint, and write "Hungry 4 Cum" on the back of his black SUV sometime this weekend.
Already did... He is always "not home" according to his daughter. Which is total bullshit cause I've seen him in the upstairs window.

Sure he'll suspect me of doing the spray painting, but I'll just say "Hey, this asshole tried bribing a city worker to do private work on city hours! Fine this motherfucker!" I still have the check in my possession, of course.

Any way it goes, I win. Being civil is not my thing.
Well, then you could be accused of accepting bribes or accepting funds to do private contracting when you should have been working for the public if you bring up the check as evidence. But hey,

EricT said:
I'm gonna get wasted, buy some spray paint, and write "Hungry 4 Cum" on the back of his black SUV sometime this weekend.

I like your style
Well... I mean... He gave me the check, no markings ever came up that it was ever attempted to be deposited, and the idiot forgot to write the date in. So a little bit of pen work...

What sucks though is that the rest of the people who write me checks for this side shit while I'm doing nothing on city time are gonna get fucked, cause I'm doing a no check policy now. Cash only...

Make about 100 bucks a week doing it too, its a nice little extra, albeit illegal in a way.
Well... I mean... He gave me the check, no markings ever came up that it was ever attempted to be deposited, and the idiot forgot to write the date in. So a little bit of pen work...

What sucks though is that the rest of the people who write me checks for this side shit while I'm doing nothing on city time are gonna get fucked, cause I'm doing a no check policy now. Cash only...

Make about 100 bucks a week doing it too, its a nice little extra, albeit illegal in a way.

I just printed this out and faxed it to your local authorities. You're fucked now. :erk:
Anyone ever spent extended periods of time on the open sea? I've got a crazy case of dock rock right now, I've almost fallen over half a dozen times today.
I just spent a week out on small craft fishing boats harvesting eel grass seeds for aquatic vegetation replanting in the chesapeake. The biologists I was working with said I'd probably feel disoriented for at least the next day or two.
I just spent a week out on small craft fishing boats harvesting eel grass seeds for aquatic vegetation replanting in the chesapeake. The biologists I was working with said I'd probably feel disoriented for at least the next day or two.

damn dude... take me with you next time. i can definitely contribute to such projects. we seriously need to hang out... spend time in the woods and on my boat and making meuwzak. it'll be awesome.

other news: I got a job the other day finally... I work the same hours as my best friend and my brother is my boss! Plus it's in a kitchen!
During a Ziltoid the Omniscient press conference, Devin Townsend has announced that his projects Strapping Young Lad and The Devin Townsend Band have been put to an end, and that he will not be touring again at any point in the future. Devin will, however, continue to make and release solo music.

After the audience took the statement from Ziltoid that Devin would be moving away, never to be seen again as a joke, Townsend came forth to confirm that he is indeed moving to a remote Northern Canadian town. He said that he will continue to make music, and lots of it, some of which will be ambient, some heavy, and so on. His new house will have a studio, though he will keep his Vancouver studio which he uses to produce other bands. However, Devin will not tour to support any music he releases in the future, nor will he be appearing in public at all.

Devin stated that while his 8-month old son was a contributing factor towards this decision, he had been considering doing this for some time now, and that he is tired of being in the limelight and touring and interviews and such. He is also tired of Strapping Young Lad, with the last tour being extremely difficult for him in terms of enthusiasm. He no longer has the same frustrations SYL was created to vent, and no longer feels the need to scream at people.


SYL was pretty fun live. Oh well.