The (Un)official write anything you want page


god bless
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage on the Xbox 360 is awesome. Racing and crashing rocks. It's much better than those Burnout games.
O God and Lord of the Powers, and Maker of all creation, Who, because of Thy clemency and incomparable mercy, didst send Thine Only-Begotten Son and our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind, and with His venerable Cross didst tear asunder the record of our sins, and thereby didst conquer the rulers and powers of darkness; receive from us sinful people, O merciful Master, these prayers of gratitude and supplication, and deliver us from every destructive and gloomy transgression, and from all visible and invisible enemies who seek to injure us. Nail down our flesh with fear of Thee, and let not our hearts be inclined to words or thoughts of evil, but pierce our souls with Thy love, that ever contemplating Thee, being enlightened by Thee, and discerning Thee, the unapproachable and everlasting Light, we may unceasingly render confession and gratitude to Thee: The eternal Father, with Thine Only-Begotten Son, and with Thine All-Holy, Gracious, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Look around
Where do you belong
Don't be afraid
You're not the only one

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within

Life is short
So learn from your mistakes
And stand behind
The choices that you make

Face each day
With both eyes open wide
And try to give
Don't keep it all inside

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within

You've got the future on your side
You're gonna be fine now
I know whatever you decide
You're gonna shine

Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
You're ready to begin
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
I was initially devastated by the news. I was and still am to a degree with ROH and TNA a big time wrestling fan. The LAST person I'd expect to pull off such a heinous deed. Upon first hearing the news I thought his family was murdered ala Dino Bravo, as he cancelled his weekend commitments for a family emergency. Frankly, not that it makes much of a difference, but I wish he was. Then all the memories of growing up watching him pull off five star classics with Malenko, Raven, Perry Saturn, and the like, would be in tact.

The Calgary Stampede curse strikes again.

Edit- According to a report published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chris and Nancy Benoit were separated in 2003 after Nancy filed for divorce.

In an included petition for protection from domestic abuse, Nancy Benoit said Chris "lost his temper and threatened to strike the petitioner and cause extensive damage to the home and personal belongings of the parties, including furniture and furnishings. Petitioner is in reasonable fear for petitioner's own safety and that of the minor child."

On May 12, 2003, a judge issued a restraining order against Chris Benoit, barring him from the family's Peachtree City home. But, on August 19, 2003, Nancy Benoit filed to have her petitions dismissed—they were, and the couple apparently reconciled.

On Monday, June 25, 2007, the bodies of Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit were found in the family's Atlanta-area home. Police believe Chris Benoit killed his wife and son over the weekend, via strangulation and smothering, respectively, before taking his own life via hanging on Monday.
I stopped watching wrestling about 6 years ago, but I still caught the news.

Pretty messed up how it was revealed to be a double murder-suicide AFTER the WWE spent three hours on television talking about what a gentleman and hero he was.
Some other tidbits.

# Bob Ryder from is reporting that sources close to Nancy Benoit say she had a safety deposit box with evidence of past rages from Chris Benoit, and if anythng were to happen to her, police should check the box. Ryder also reports that about a year ago Chris became paranoid and thought that he was always being followed and would not let Nancy leave the house. In addition, some friends close to Chris say that he hated religion while others say he recently became religious.

# Some quotes from an interview with District Attorney Scott Ballard -
In an interview with on Tuesday, Ballard indicated that the boy had needle marks in his arms. The district attorney said he believed that the boy had been given growth hormones for some time because the family considered him undersized. That was only one of the strange facts that Ballard revealed. He said that two text messages of note caused authorities to investigate the house. In one, Benoit told somebody he knew that his wife and son were sick. "Of course, they were dead," Ballard told In a second message to a neighbor, Benoit said that the door of the house was open and the pets were outside. "And our assumption is that that was an effort to try and get somebody to come find the bodies after the suicide," Ballard said. "That is our assumption."

Ballard said that Benoit's wife, 43, was killed Friday in an upstairs family room, her feet and wrists were bound and there was blood under her head, indicating a possible struggle. Ballard told that it appeared that she had been pinned to the floor and asphyxiated with some sort of cable. The son, Daniel, was probably killed late Saturday or early Sunday, the body found in his bed, Ballard said. The district attorney indicated that he had been choked to death. Benoit, 40, apparently killed himself several hours and as long as a day later, Ballard said. His body was found in a downstairs weight room, his body found hanging from the pulley of a piece of exercise equipment. Ballard said that he had used weights, the pulley and cable to choke himself to death.