The (Un)official write anything you want page

I drove to a train station today, pulled up to the parking lot and the fucking arm didn't raise to let me in. The machine you're supposed to take your ticket from was spouting some shit in Japanese I couldn't understand so I had to back up out of there after sitting there looking like a confused idiot for a minute. I felt a lot better, however, when I passed by there later and saw some Japs doing the same fucking thing I did.

Tomorrow I'm going to a restaurant owned by the yakuza. I'd heard rumors about the yakuza in my town but they seemed to be nothing but hearsay. I have a new student, however, who is a journalist and she confirmed that a major yakuza branch is headquarted in my town. It's apparently quite famous. She sometimes is assigned to take pictures of them, their main office, and the police that go there. The interesting thing is that the yakuza also take pictures of her.
I read that as "At least they don't attach nipples to her car battery. Yet."

Which is hilarious if you imagine someone attaching sliced off nipples to her car battery, while it's still in the car.

Awesome book :kickass:

Have you read Narziss und Goldmund? It's even better.