The (Un)official write anything you want page

but what's worse is people who define everyone except themselves and the people they like as morons

yeah, but in this case I'm referring to retards who can do the same thing 4 times (Error #1) and get it wrong all 4 times. Eine Kleine nachtmusik and Zauberflöte Königin aren't exactly simple things to mix up, the titles are rather different.
Huntsville's contributions to United States Cold War missile armament and technology earned it a "red star" designation as a target of the Soviet Union in the event of a nuclear exchange, fourth behind only New York City, Washington, DC, and NORAD.

Oh shit, son.
I hope I get this job I applied for. I had an interview Wednesday, was called back Thursday for a 2nd interview yesterday. Thank you letter was e-mailed to the interviewer Friday afternoon.

God damn I need to find out soon or I'll go crazy. Current job/boss/co-worker situation sucks some god damn nasty balls and I feel like quitting badly but I suppose I should wait until I get another job lined up? blaaaaaaaa:zombie:
I had a terrible Fast food experience today as shown by this conversation:

dforrest (12:28:17 AM): The negroids that work at Wendy's at night fail at good service and making food that does not taste like shit.
lizz1520 (12:23:20 AM): okay
dforrest (12:29:29 AM): I just thought you should be warned.
dforrest (12:29:49 AM): A lynching is in order. If only I had some rope and a pickup truck.
lizz1520 (12:24:36 AM): whatever
dforrest (12:34:49 AM): I am serious. The service was terrible and those babboons jumping around and shouting didn't make things any better, and then I arrive home to find a sorry excuse for a burger and under cooked fries. wtf.
lizz1520 (12:29:29 AM): okay. glad you feel that way
dforrest (12:35:49 AM): Why would you be glad. It was a terrible experience and I am left unsatisfied.
lizz1520 (12:30:33 AM): okay
dforrest (12:37:06 AM): You are not sensitive to my plight.
lizz1520 (12:32:08 AM): sorry I dont feel like talking about "lynching the negroids"
dforrest (12:38:13 AM): LOLOLLOLOLOLOL
Jews did WTC lol.
