The (Un)official write anything you want page

I used to get problems with infected cuticle areas when I first started climbing, really annoying more than anything really. After awhile my hands turned to leather and I stopped worrying about it.
So for the last hour I've been listening to a cat in heat. The fucking thing was just screaching, screaming, moaning, and making the most god forsaken sounds ever. I thought I was entering the 9th circle of hell.

Just 3 minutes ago I realized it was a neighbors baby. Fuck babies.
I have such an eventful day planned:

- Do one last coat of paint on my walls.
- Wait 30 minutes.
- Do any touch-ups needed.
- Re-attach woodwork.
- Paint woodwork.
- Head down to former-employer to pick up some forms they were supposed to give me but didn't and don't have the fucking common sense to just fucking mail them.
- Get a breakfast burrito from this awesome burrito stand. He makes killer burritos of every sort.
- Lay down a throw rug for the time being since the cocksuckers at home depot fucked up and sold me hardwood peicing to be delivered, and then ended up fucking up and selling it to someone else who did a pick up. I now have to wait 3-4 weeks for my fucking hardwood. And no, I am not going to refund/exchange. The flooring I picked is the PERFECT flooring. I looked all over the place, and decided on it. I am not taking any fucking substitutes. Unless she is a brunette about 5'7", that is.
- Move furniture back into room.

Now, as eventful as this sounds, I fucked up in one aspect. I haven't slept yet. So, in order to get this all done, as planned, I am going to be going without sleep. This is a major fuck up waiting to happen. :lol:
Interesting... Just got called with a job offer, though, am reluctant to take it. The place in question is a place I have worked for twice in the past, and have gotten laid off without warning... TWICE.

I told them to give me a week, if I can't find anything else within a week, then I'll do it.
Reason 4? The results are in and it rules. Here's a little sample I made to showcase some of its improvements. The saturation is a little heavy at parts due to the low end prominence (not something we're used to from reason? ha) but you'll get the point. Enjoy this little ditty I made:

So I'm driving to school on the highway which, at the time, is "under construction," meaning there's no actual work being done but there are occasional street cones and the speed is reduced to 45 miles an hour (as if anyone abides), and thus any ticket you get for being in a "work zone" is going to be more. So I'm going 60, when the speed limit is normally 65, and a cop pulls me over in the wide open road. Nobody near me. Not a car within a 250 yard stretch either way, literally. No chance of harm or danger to anyone else. He tells me that I was going 70 miles an hour, which is bullshit. He asks me why I was going 60, and I said to keep the pace of the traffic, to which he responds of course that there is no traffic. And he's right about this, granted. But that's becaus the people in front of me were doing 80. So in other words, if I was doing 80, it would have been all good, but because I wasn't doing 80, I should have been doing 45. Then he questions me about my PBA card, which was given to me by an uncle through a friend who is a police officer, and of course he has to harass me about that as well. "Why do you have a PBA card if you're not family?" Maybe because police departments give officers massive stacks of them, so they just give them away in dozens to their family for them to give out to other people. Anyway, long story short, evidently he's such a nice fucking guy that he only writes me up for wreckless driving instead of doing 25 over, which I wasn't, I was doing 15 over. He takes my PBA card and gives me a warning, and tells me that if I don't want points, I have to go to court and plead guilty and pay a higher fine. Last week, on Wednesday, I stayed after classes at the library for several hours, and when I came home, there was nowhere to park except one spot that was about halfway in a no parking zone. So of course the next morning I wake up and there's a ticket.

I can't afford this shit. Somebody loan me a gun.