The (Un)official write anything you want page

Didnt I post my Ambien story at some point? Quite an unpleasant reaction. At least I finally got to see what Munchee-chees look like, as well as all the ghosts that were living in my house at the time. I also woke up the next morning with a bunch of sugar in my bed.

Ken, what happened to your mouth, dude?
Didnt I post my Ambien story at some point? Quite an unpleasant reaction. At least I finally got to see what Munchee-chees look like, as well as all the ghosts that were living in my house at the time. I also woke up the next morning with a bunch of sugar in my bed.

Ken, what happened to your mouth, dude?


Dude, I had an extraction gone awry on Thursday. My roots were up into my sinus cavity. Took 3 hours to perform, a bunch of tiny pieces of my tooth at a time, and a nice gaping hole through to my sinus....the rest is history. (PAIN)
I've run out of gas several times in my driving career. It's embarrasing but amusing at the same time.
I just bought four, yes FOUR, pairs of pants. This is significant why? Because pants are my nemesis. This was the fourth trip in 3 weeks to obtain new trousas. Each of the previous 3 ended once I slipped into a rage that left me nearly blind. Today I grabbed four and each of them fit. It was unreal. Of course this will all change once I get home and my wife sees them.

I hate pants. I really do.
I've run out of gas several times in my driving career. It's embarrasing but amusing at the same time.

I didn't run out of gas the engine blew out :erk:

I just bought four, yes FOUR, pairs of pants. This is significant why? Because pants are my nemesis. This was the fourth trip in 3 weeks to obtain new trousas. Each of the previous 3 ended once I slipped into a rage that left me nearly blind. Today I grabbed four and each of them fit. It was unreal. Of course this will all change once I get home and my wife sees them.

I hate pants. I really do.

I hate pants as well. I banned them during summer. I can't wear shorts to work so unfortunately my work week is filled with pants. But you bet your Ars I break out the shorts on the weekends :headbang:
I'm the same. Within 3 minutes of entering the homestead, I shed the pants for shorts. It amazes me that 2 pairs of pants, the exact size, style, brand, everything, never fit the same. One will squeeze the cock n balls like Tori Wells (anyone remember her?) while the other will be baggy as shit but short in the legs. FUCK. That's why I was amazed that I went 4 for 4 today. That has NEVER happened. Like I said, previous 3 trips? 0 for 10 or so.