Well, that Armenian, pole-smoking, shit stain, dave is back in GMD. Jerry, keep your eyes peeled.
Roto Blues has got to be one of the heaviest songs I have ever heard in my life.
so i saw a dude today walking with his apparent wife/gf as she was pushing a baby in a stroller, except the dude was dressed in full army fatigues like he was in Iraq.
now i've seen this before, but since I have a live killing machine on the board to ask, why do military people feel the need to dress for action on American streets?
My left boob hurts and the nipple itches. Visually nothing seems out of the oridinary, and there are no lumps. But now I'm going to worry about Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Oh and I shant post pics.
I wonder if Ireland knows I'm coming to eat bananas, smoke crack, and drink beer in a few hours!
The nipple itch did stop and my other boob began to hurt equally (tis the time of the month when they swell and get sore).
But, a couple of days ago I noticed a little red spot on my left boob, which I figured was probably just a broken capillary due to all the poking and prodding which had been done. For some reason I felt compelled to put a band-aid over it, which I had to remove a short time later because it felt uncomfortable.
Now, the spot is a faint shade of purple and almost gone, but I've got a fucking itchy band-aid shaped rash around it. I'm only allergic to band-aids on my torso, apparently. When will this boob madness ever end