The (Un)official write anything you want page

so i saw a dude today walking with his apparent wife/gf as she was pushing a baby in a stroller, except the dude was dressed in full army fatigues like he was in Iraq.
now i've seen this before, but since I have a live killing machine on the board to ask, why do military people feel the need to dress for action on American streets?

My left boob hurts and the nipple itches. Visually nothing seems out of the oridinary, and there are no lumps. But now I'm going to worry about Inflammatory Breast Cancer :tickled:

Oh and I shant post pics.

The nipple itch did stop and my other boob began to hurt equally (tis the time of the month when they swell and get sore).

But, a couple of days ago I noticed a little red spot on my left boob, which I figured was probably just a broken capillary due to all the poking and prodding which had been done. For some reason I felt compelled to put a band-aid over it, which I had to remove a short time later because it felt uncomfortable.

Now, the spot is a faint shade of purple and almost gone, but I've got a fucking itchy band-aid shaped rash around it. I'm only allergic to band-aids on my torso, apparently. When will this boob madness ever end :err:
I'll be in China almost exactly 24 hours from now. I'm excited but holy shit I hate airports and Beijing will be cold as fuck.

Oh well. At least I just got a new memory card for my camera so I can take a shitload of pictures and/or video.
I'm off to the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Birmingham in a couple of hours - should be interesting.

"Visitors are also able to sample the delights of German mulled wine (Glühwein), grilled sausages, German beer, and for those with a sweet tooth, gingerbread and marzipan sweets. For the first time this year, a range of daily baked traditional German breads and pastries will be available."

Okay, so it's not the most rock and roll thing I've ever opted to go along to, but it's better than sitting and watching my housemate get slaughtered online playing Call Of Duty 4.

Incidentally, he was supposed to go to work to do a stock-take this morning, but told his boss he wasn't going in because his mom had a heart attack. She didn't, though.

This post was pointless.
The nipple itch did stop and my other boob began to hurt equally (tis the time of the month when they swell and get sore).

But, a couple of days ago I noticed a little red spot on my left boob, which I figured was probably just a broken capillary due to all the poking and prodding which had been done. For some reason I felt compelled to put a band-aid over it, which I had to remove a short time later because it felt uncomfortable.

Now, the spot is a faint shade of purple and almost gone, but I've got a fucking itchy band-aid shaped rash around it. I'm only allergic to band-aids on my torso, apparently. When will this boob madness ever end :err:

Yeah I coulda told ya not to put band aids on your boobs. I've been there. :cry:

Edit: Hope they feel better soon!!
I've been waiting for menstruation to kick in for over two weeks now.
My boobs say thanks. The bandaid rash looks a little better but it still itches like fire!

And I hope your crotch erupts soon. I HATE when my periods take forever to start. You know it's coming, you can feel it churning, but nothing. Then finally when you least expect it, oooooze. After that, periods are fun.
Somebody change the subject please..... anyone?..... no one?... fine.

Although not entirely off the previous subject.

Not Bad, Queue 5 pages of uninterupted, intelligent, mature discussion.