The (Un)official write anything you want page

i'm really bored today and can't help myself here, what a fucking jackass.

wow, an Englishman getting himself covered in tattoos of multiple "exotic" cultures he has no understanding of, utterly disregarding and corrupting their intended meanings because he thinks it looks cool. one is reminded of the ubiquitous american frat boys sporting "power" and "wisdom" kanji they can't even read--oh wait, he's got that covered already. one haida tattoo would be one thing, but to cover oneself in their traditional art without even a basic appreciation of the culture seems thoroughly reprehensible--artistic colonialism through tattoo. blechh to you, patronizing white dude. :puke:
Well, what are you gonna do when you have no culture of your own? Being proud of "good ol' England" seems to be a good way to quickly get the label "racist" and that whole package stamped in your forehead

"artistic colonialism through tattoo" -- sure, but with him and his English culture on the receiving side

But I agree with you though, these things are kind of sad, but I don't really see what the big deal is and why you get so upset :p
Well, what are you gonna do when you have no culture of your own? Being proud of "good ol' England" seems to be a good way to quickly get the label "racist" and that whole package stamped in your forehead

"artistic colonialism through tattoo" -- sure, but with him and his English culture on the receiving side

But I agree with you though, these things are kind of sad, but I don't really see what the big deal is and why you get so upset :p

oh i'm not that upset and i certainly don't intend to start an argument with you, i just think the dude is fucking retarded. not sure what you meant by "with him and his English culture on the receiving side" though. i don't see how i implied he has "no culture of his own" either, a perspective i don't understand anyway...does everyone think england is really that devoid of cultural heritage? plenty of people celebrate their culture in ways that don't ram it down peoples' throats; the problem is many don't recognize unique aspects of their culture for what they are and don't understand they are living their culture every day. there's no need to promote your culture at others' expense to differentiate "yours" from "theirs". the further irony is that immersing oneself in one's culture seems to me like the virtual opposite of separating oneself from the pack, something so many white-power types seem to claim as a selling point.

i don't mean to stir up the tired "pride vs racism" debate--i'm not saying he's some kind of asshole for betraying his racial identity or some garbage like that, merely pointing out that he has turned his body into a monument for a marginalized culture that he explicity claims to have no familiarity with. and in doing so he has exploited and cheapened meaningful imagery--kinda like when you see glammed-out emo jackoffs wearing carefully pre-ripped iron maiden shirts. only much, much worse. lame.

as you can see i'm pretty bored today. :p
I think what spaffe meant to say is that this is what people do to find identity in a monolithic globalized monomulticulture.

But seriously, I enjoy waffles.
I meant that it's strange to talk about colonialism, in the classic sense as I understood your use of it, when the english culture is the one receiving, and not the exotic tribesmen as it used to be back in the days. But that was just a little side note

No no, England has a lot of cultural heritage, it's just that it's not lived, which means that it's dead, and nothing really meaningful has come to take its place. Hence the lack of any real culture, ie a way to be, and to structure your life, giving it meaning, like the one where his tattoos are from.

"and in doing so he has exploited and cheapened meaningful imagery--kinda like when you see glammed-out emo jackoffs wearing carefully pre-ripped iron maiden shirts. only much, much worse. lame."

Yeah, I see you point, but since this man lives in England and that the way he acts does not affect this "haida culture", I don't see the problem -- there's no damage done. If he would start a lemonade company on Haida island and use their symbols as a logo for his brand of sugary drinks, then I would be concerned.
But this imagery will always be meaningless outside the cultural sphere of the Haidas, where it originated out of certain conditions (social, natural, perhaps biologial etc), which don't exist and never will exist in England
MajestikMøøse;6823885 said:
I think what spaffe meant to say is that this is what people do to find identity in a monolithic globalized monomulticulture.

But seriously, I enjoy waffles.

Yes, in essence

I don't particularly, though I've never had the american kind
Just got some high schoolers arrested for blowing shit up in the undeveloped subdivision beside our house. They have been doing it for the past four days. Coolest shit I have ever seen. They looked like they were going to cry when the cops snuck up on them, one with his gun drawn. :lol:

Well, it's now 2008 here in Japland.

I'm alone and bored out of my mind. How should I celebrate? I've just been dicking around on the ol' laptop all day while drinking fairly continuously. My buzz is wearing off and I'm running out of alcohol.