The (Un)official write anything you want page

Well, first of all throw out what you think you might know about how the Japanese perceive Americans. Things have changed quickly over the last decade or so and what a Jap may say certainly has little bearing on what they feel. Then, keep in mind that I don't live in Tokyo, nor Kobe, nor Yokohama, nor Osaka.

If you believe what you hear, then shit, I should be drowning in pussy right about now. I mean hell, even I look around and can't help but notice some geeky ass, white, slobs with some nice Jap tail on their arms. However, typically that's in large cities. You see statistics that say 1 in 10 couples in Tokyo is an international couple. That's Tokyo. And while many decades ago the most common sort of international relationship here was between a Japanese woman and an American man, that isn't the case these days. It's actually Japanese men with Chinese, Korean, Philippine, or Vietnamese wives.

Why is it different in big cities than were I am? Lots of reasons really. They are more used to foreigners in the cities. There are more English speaking women in the cities. The big cities often have what we in the business call "Eigo bandits" which are women that will date you just to improve their English skills. That's great for some guys. They don't care in the slightest if they're used if they can get some pussy out of the deal. And indeed, sometimes they get just that. Some guys want a real relationship and are heartbroken when they find out they're just being used by Eigo bandits.

A few years ago it was fashionable to have a foreign boyfriend. We were like a fashion accessory. Sometimes they'd use us even while having a Japanese boyfriend because we didn't really count. We're not real people afterall. We're just gaijin.

You do occasionally see an international couple that can't seem to communicate worth a shit where no side is being used by the other by that's a rare occurance. Most often the foreigner can speak Japanese or the Jap can speak English. In my town, that limits the fuck out of me. Sure, they think I'm the most handsome motherfucker in this prefecture but that doesn't do much for me if they're scared as shit of me. I mean, foreigners scare the Japs enough. The only thing that scares them more is the idea of having to try to talk to them in English. My lack of Japanese skills hinders me greatly. I've seen people actually sigh with visible relief when they've realized they wouldn't have to speak with me. And I'm pretty sure I've talked about the time a woman literally ran away from me.

So if my chances are pretty much limited to those that speak English, in this town that narrows it down to my students and my boss. I hate my boss. Of my adult students, a lot of them are married house wives. There are a few though that I wouldn't mind a shot at, however. But my boss told me early on that that was a no no. I have at times said fuck that and flirted with some but my timing has always been horrible. One was a hot little young doctor who I think was fairly interested in me. She promptly moved away. I started flirting with one and then she almost starts crying and tells me her ex-boyfriend just died suddenly of heart failure. I'm also a lot more wary these days after that fucking accusation of sexual harrassment that I still have no details about.

And if you ask most people, Japanese or not, if they like America, Americans, or American culture you'll probably get a resounding "Yes!" But that's bullshit. They say it but they don't believe it. Make no mistake that these are biased, racist people with a superiority complex. There might be some individuals they like or some aspects of America they like but they think it and we are inferior. Are we cool? Yes. But we're stupid, lazy, complain all the time, violent little mudbloods (I've heard some crazy Eugenics shit while here). Interest in English and Western culture has plumeted in the last decade or so. It still just so happens to be trendy at this point to say they're gung-ho America.

I've been told by most everyone here that I'm handsome as all hell. They honestly think I look like a celebrity. I don't only get looks because I'm a lone gaijin but I get a lot of lusty "mmmm-hmmmm I'd like get me some of that" looks. But that does me no good. A friend of mine here once who's been in Japan longer and knows her shit once estimated that I'm a good 9 on a scale of 1-10 for fuckability to Japanese women. That is, based on looks alone. But factor in racism, how scared they are to speak English, our violent reputation, etc etc etc and I'm down to a 6.

I've even had students express their shock at my lack of pussy here. Those same students then go on to say that, yeah, I have no fucking chance with the women here. I think I mentioned that a student not long ago said I was a danger to women here. Sadly when students say such shit, they never explain themselves. One student once gave me a little paradox. He said to get a Japanese woman here I had to learn to speak Japanese but to learn to speak Japanese, I had to get a Japanese woman.

Hopefully I explained this well enough.
Very interesting, thank you for taking time to write that down. I have a friend who's spent a lot of time in China (Shanghai) and he had no problems with the women there, but maybe they were all "Eigo bandits" :tickled:.

Anyway, living in a major international city definitely makes a difference and perhaps the Chinese are quite different from the Japs
Granted, I only spent a good 10 days in China but it I don't think it was hard to see the difference. The Chinese didn't seem xenophobic. Honestly, they seemed much more akin to Americans than Japanese.

A friend thought it very interesting that I while I feel more comfortable in Japan, I felt more at home in China.
Wow, I sensed a lot of pent up frustration in that post! :p

I always figured that if I took a teacher's position in some strange country, I'd convince a friend to take the plunge with me. Seems somewhat safer... Do you have any friends over there?
Thanatopsisisis: Maybe they're not used to such huge penises.

On a less serious note: I recently attended a family reunion and the hippie-liberal-art-teacher-wing showed up. They had recently spent some lengthy time in Japan on a "peace mission". I didn't pay much attention to their slide slow but I did notice they maintained an anti-US, pro-Japan agenda the whole time. They kept quoting the Japanese teenagers as amazed and astonished to meet Americans who were not "greedy" and "loud", etc. They claimed the young people harbor resentment towards Americans because of the atomic attacks.
I thought most of their presentation was extremely biased and that's cool, whatever. But what I found annoying was that the younger generation failed to remember that the Emperor had marshalled the entire population and that they had attempted to take over the half of the world that the Nazis weren't currently trying to occupy. The bombs were only a response to a nation unwilling to stop. I wanted to ask if they had bothered to point any of this out to the teenagers they were talking with but didn't because I didn't want to get stoned.

Japan's Imperial Nationalism wasn't that much different from National Socialist viewpoints at the time. They practiced quite a bit of genetic cleansing with the Chinese and Mongolian/Manchurian peoples, and I think it's safe to assume they would have gladly done the same with the most of the rest of the world. Did we kill lots of "innocents" in our bombing of their country? Yes. Is it all reasonable to assume they would have murdered countless numbers of the same in our country had they won? Yup. And they would have effectively enslaved any other nations conquered as they did in China. I'm not sure I will be wholly convinced using atomic weaponry was necessary, but there was not going to be a diplomatic way to end the Pacific Curtain of WW2, not with the commitment the Japanese had for fighting. It required decisive destruction, either way.
My buddy went to japan as an exchange student and managed to get a steady girlfriend after about 7 weeks... afterwards he still had to beat the wimmenz off with a stick, though buying booze despite being underage was never a problem for him. But he's Canadian (if that makes a difference) and spoke acceptably fluent Japanese (he still speaks with a bunch of them to this day). He did say they had a major superiority complex, but for the most part, were very friendly and polite, and he had a great time over there....

Regarding the latter few posts, I agree. Thats why they paired up with the Nazis, because they were of a similar ideology.... I'm always morbidly curious what would have happened afterwards if they had won though. The two "pure nations" fighting it out?
Actually, from my understanding, that was what they anticipated. An almost romanticized view "let us fight to determine is most worthy to rule the earth" with both parties assuming it would be they, respectively.
hmm, an ex of mine lives in Japan, and she met her husband there. She is Czech and he is an Israeli ... they both lived there quite a bit beofre they met and neither found it difficult to get ashen (granted my ex is a raging w**re and from what I heard her now husband was some kind of player also) ...

I don't know, I don't think Japan is any diffeent than anywhere else. If we overthink the situation, we end up talking ourselves out of getting poon. There MUST BE horny chicks there if you go hang out in a bar at night that just want some fun.
Wow, I sensed a lot of pent up frustration in that post! :p

I always figured that if I took a teacher's position in some strange country, I'd convince a friend to take the plunge with me. Seems somewhat safer... Do you have any friends over there?

I guess my frustration is more palpable than I thought. :erk: And I've only one friend in Japan and she's on a different island. I've only been able to see her 3 times in the last year.

Oh, and of all the previous teachers before me, only one hooked up while here. It's funny how the students remember the old teachers. The body builder, the gay one, the fat one, the chick, the asshole, and the one that had a girlfriend. And from what I've heard, it was a disaster. This town really is shit. I tell people the god's honest truth about it and some people (even others in Japan, foreigner or not) think I'm in some kind of bizarro Japan.
Flying sucks. I dread it, as I have bad luck more than 75% of the time. I remember when it used to be more of a privilege to fly. Now it's just as bad as riding the city bus.

Three hour delay from Dulles to Dallas today. Yes, I've been through much worse...but the delay was due to a broken navigational monitor on the plane. They didn't have another one anywhere at the airport, so someone had to drive a new monitor in from Reagan National Airport (which is about an hour drive from Dulles), install it, and finally we were on our way.

Most of the people scheduled for our flight jumped on another flight after about 2 and a half hours of our ordeal. Their luggage didn't go with them though. Had they waited another 30 minutes they would have been on the plane that their luggage was originally loaded onto. That's ok though, it made for a nice roomy flight, free of worrying when/where we'd get our luggage back :Spin: