The (Un)official write anything you want page

Just got some high schoolers arrested for blowing shit up in the undeveloped subdivision beside our house. They have been doing it for the past four days. Coolest shit I have ever seen. They looked like they were going to cry when the cops snuck up on them, one with his gun drawn. :lol:



jk i hate kids
Do you ever have one of those dreams that manages to bring far too much real life into it, and presents some sort of scenario that, upon waking, makes you seriously question things you've done in your life? I had a dream like that last night, and it's left me seriously doubting some things today.
Most of my dreams have me waking up debating whether I could navigate the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs and where I can scrounge up a working flux capacitor.
Well, it's now 2008 here in Japland.

I'm alone and bored out of my mind. How should I celebrate? I've just been dicking around on the ol' laptop all day while drinking fairly continuously. My buzz is wearing off and I'm running out of alcohol.

uhmmm ... geisha girl?
thanatopsis have you been to those love hotels? buddy of mine just got back from japan and said they're like the only place people can get it on in that country (himself included)
No, I haven't. And I don't think my upstairs neighbor knows about them.

My lack of action in this country is depressing the fuck out of me at the moment. I just typed out some of the reasons for my penile slumber but I'll only continue if somebody is really interested because it's a lot to type.