The (Un)official write anything you want page

And everyone but lurch realized that even without your insightful explanation.

i realized its heavy photoshoping you wingnut ... i was just saying that these little freaks are already heavily made up pre-photo session.

point is their parents should be shot.
I like the Clintons and think Hilary will win ... but then again I am also very much for change.

But dammit if that mummy makes it into office i am moving to Peru.

And like Chris Rock said, he better get a Mexican VP, just for security.
Can Susperia fucking die?!?! Has this bint ever posted anything of value?!?! I challenge any one on this forum to give me a posting that opens your mind to advanced thinking?!?! I hope every thing she holds dear, expires. :)
Jerry, she's going to keep posting as long as you keep mentioning her name in every one of your posts :loco:

Although...not trying to defend her or anything, but none of her posts have ever bothered me. I was even going to post a couple comparision pictures of one of the girls from that website, but then I saw the reaction to the her post and figured it unwise, as I didn't want to stray from the "point" and elaborate more on what everyone already knows.
And anyway...yes, the whole thing of putting little girls in pageants and contantly dressing them up like this and making them feel inferior & robbing them of their childhood and overall self-worth etc etc etc is WRONG on all levels, and yes we all know that this company photoshops the pictures...but here's an example of the ridiculous photoshopping that I found while observing different pictures on their website. Just thought it was interesting to see exactly how much they alter the photographs *shrug*
