The (Un)official write anything you want page

I just got back from the gym and my friend gave me an Ambien. I took it 10 minutes ago. Hopefully I won't wake up with food/empty containers surrounding my body.
How many fucking times do I have to say this??!!


Jesus Christ you fucking idiots. Can that be the last time I have to say that/explain myself here? Ugh...

Sure seemed to me like you were referencing my "eating eggs" and "consuming death" to me. Sorry if I misconstrued your meaning, and that you actually meant "consuming death farts" or something.

Elaboration is key!
I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even say a word on consuming anything-----Other than some acidophilus. Since it sounded to me like your intestinal tract needed some more intestinal flora to cleanse out the horrid smells and things that seem to be going on down there. All I did was post a picture of a bottle of acidophilus. :erk:

I take the stuff too----Everyone should because it keeps your intestines healthy, I wasn't saying anything about meat eating vs. veganism at all.

And--- I have chickens. I eat eggs too. I just won't eat an egg raised in a factory farm.

Edit: I didn't mean anything pretentious in this post here, i'm just explaining myself.=]
Other than some acidophilus. All I did was post a picture of a bottle of acidophilus. :erk:

uhhh... where? Its a blank post. You just quoted me. :p And yeah, I took acidophilus myself at one point.

Since it sounded to me like your intestinal tract needed some more intestinal flora to cleanse out the horrid smells and things that seem to be going on down there.

Nah, they generally don't smell unless I eat some specific things. :)

And--- I have chickens. I eat eggs too. I just won't eat an egg raised in a factory farm.

Those eggs don't test like eggs. We buy BIO freerange eggs, they at least have a flavour. Though it still tastes like cardboard compared to the eggs my chickens laid. Not to mention the "large eggs" are tiny compared to "average" eggs from my chickens. :p
You know... I have to say.. I'm not a vegetarian, and I do eat meat, but I also ONLY buy organic meat and organic eggs (free range)
You may think it's silly, but I'm the kind of person that when 'read' some facts about things, those facts will echo in my brain and I will no longer be able to ignore them…
Example: last semester I took a class called corporate ID, part of that class was to take
A non-profit organization and give it a new look, layout, logo etc
I chose a non-profit organization that saves farm animals from mills, and raises them in an open farm instead. At first I though: “wow, look at those people”
But the more I got into reading what the company was about, and saw the footages from the mills, and read about the abuse the go through since day 1 in their lives, I realized how horrible and inhumane the farm-animals mills are. So right then and there, I got so disgusted by the corporate farms: I just stopped buying any products from places like that. You know what I mean?
I’m not a ‘tree hugger’ and I’m not a “hippie” but animals have special place in my heart because really, it’s not their fault that we humans- SUCK and treat this world and anything in it with an idiotic attitude…
My mom is French, and I come from a house where ‘goose pate’ is something that is as common in the house as milk in the fridge, and I *LOOOOVE* goose pate.
One day 6 years ago, I watched a show in National Geographic channel about how they make it,
And that’s it,- STOP : I can’t eat it anymore. I really can’t!
See what I mean? I’m silly like that. Once I see how they make something, and it is horrible: I can’t do it anymore. (and every year my mom makes this awesome pate…. DAMMIT)

Now…. With that being said: my choice to buy organic eggs and organic free range meat- is my *personal* choice at home. I do out and eat a good ‘fillet mignon’ at a restaurant, and I of course, will eat other products that are not *organic* at other places, just not at my home…
This whole post may sound silly to you, but that’s my personal choice based on the horrible things I’ve seen – from my work…
My point?
Oh yeah, I love eggs too :Spin: