The (Un)official write anything you want page

^^ Ditto for pretty much everything said by Karen. Our family has always gone out of its way to buy farm raised meat, organically grown fruits and vegetables, etc. If the choices are available to you and within your budget it really doesn't make sense to keep eating all those tasteless genetically modified products.
Thats basically where I'm at. Out of sight out of mind as the saying goes. But it at some point gets too much to ignore. As with you, I'll happily eat out or eat meat at Maren's family's place. At home we usually only have eggs, I think once or twice I've bought some organic meat.

My comment is this: it costs twice as much sure... BUT...:
1. the more we buy it, the less it will cost, supply and demand
2. That commercial steak you buy, shrinks, the organic one, does not and generally is more filling
3. Most of you fuckers freak out if somebody kicks and beats their dog, but not for a cow? Just because you don't have one? or what?
4. Its generally got more of the good vitamins and minerals in it, since it gets a more balanced natural diet
5. It often tastes better, in a similar sense that wild game tastes better, it has a fucking flavour. Biggest comparison I have is eggs.
1. the more we buy it, the less it will cost, supply and demand
2. That commercial steak you buy, shrinks, the organic one, does not and generally is more filling
3. Most of you fuckers freak out if somebody kicks and beats their dog, but not for a cow? Just because you don't have one? or what?
4. Its generally got more of the good vitamins and minerals in it, since it gets a more balanced natural diet
5. It often tastes better, in a similar sense that wild game tastes better, it has a fucking flavour. Biggest comparison I have is eggs.

^ agreed!!! :kickass:

All animals deserve good lives... even those who will eventually
be slaughtered and used for meat...
And it is a *fact* that organic meat tastes BETTER and is more healthy.

right on! :kickass:
I have decided to use the last days of my unemployment wisely and catch up on some 2007 releases. Why didn't I think of this a month ago?
^ agreed!!! :kickass:

All animals deserve good lives... even those who will eventually
be slaughtered and used for meat...
And it is a *fact* that organic meat tastes BETTER and is more healthy.

right on! :kickass:

Exactly--- I have no problem with the farmer who raises his animals right, by grass feeding them instead of corn feeding them (They're all corn and cardboard fed these days in the factories) and who does it organically, who lets them roam and live their lives. And then if he slaughters them humanely for a profit....that's his business.

The main problem is, the amount of meat and meat by-products we eat with our current population, it just isn't possible to raise animals right and have enough for everyone. That's why people have unfortunately resorted to the factory farm ways, and train their employees (and themselves) to view the animals as simple machines.

Something's gotta give. Either we don't eat meat at every meal, every day (I think once or twice a week is enough for your average human and what their bodies are designed to digest in meat protein) OR there needs to be a fuck lot less of us. I think both need to be put into action. But most poeple don't care, so nothing is really going to change for a very long time. Until half of us die of mad cow or something. :loco:

I think more people should have chickens. =) And then we won't have to cram them 20 to a cage or whatever in those places. They are great company, they help the soil, they are pretty to look at, and you get eggs! I understand not everyone will, or has to, view their chickens as their pets and little friends (I do :oops:) but it's true that when you have these animals in your homes and a part of your life it's much harder to understand why so many of them are treated the way they are in most areas of the country.
>When I had chickens they were trained to chicken noises on a rather scary level. My parents were truly stunned when I demonstrated it to them. The fun of growing up in a rural area... I doN't want them in my home though, shit everywhere.

Either we don't eat meat at every meal, every day (I think once or twice a week is enough for your average human and what their bodies are designed to digest in meat protein) OR there needs to be a fuck lot less of us. I think both need to be put into action. But most poeple don't care, so nothing is really going to change for a very long time.

Hence my automatic rage at your "I wanna get pregnant" comment. and My comments about 1 child per family ala China. There are plenty of us to go around, too many in fact. We need to die off a little.

And yes, its not viable to eat a steak every night with organic methodology. Thats the point, we never used to eat meat on a daily basis, we need to eat less meat and in smaller portions, and have more vegetables instead. Properly nourished meat will have enough vitamins and minerals in it we don't need it on a daily basis, and certainly not in the gigantic proportions we're currently used to.
I believe in the one child per family decision....I think that should apply to the whole world though. I don't think it's okay to deny humans their right to reproduce.... But it has to be done responsibly. I don't think I should be yelled at for wanting to have a child. I only want one... (If I ever have one). That way, the human population will go down, because each couple is replacing half of themselves. Anything more and the population won't go down because they're replacing themselves completely. But if everyone just had one child...

Edit: Oh yeah they make chicken diapers now. Hhahaha, i'm actually thinking of getting one to try, it's really fucking hilarious though. I like when they're in the house. But you're right, they go poop whenever wherever.

And yes, its not viable to eat a steak every night with organic methodology. Thats the point, we never used to eat meat on a daily basis, we need to eat less meat and in smaller portions, and have more vegetables instead. Properly nourished meat will have enough vitamins and minerals in it we don't need it on a daily basis, and certainly not in the gigantic proportions we're currently used to.


I eat meat once-twice tops per week.... :kickass:
well, it depends what you call fish. :p I'm used to western canada, and friends dropping off a 20kg salmon that they caught (but its white so its worthless).

Oh, and dropping off a prawn trap and coming back the next day and pulling up 2kg of prawns. :p
Oh well.... I buy Salmon, Tuna, and YellowTail almost on a weekely basis, and it's fantastic here...
but I remember from Europe- fish wasn't THAT expenssive (and I do not include gross Harring in that category!)
obviously, you're used to something better... haha.
you know, it's so sad...........................
they say that by 2018 (meaning in 10 years......) what we call "sea food"
in the oceans will almost extinct completely..
It's because of countries like China, Mexico etc who harvest the sea food life with no in-state regulations... :(