The (Un)official write anything you want page

so my friends planned a surprise bachelor party for me last night. I was told they are taking me out tonight so I had no idea what was about to go down.
first my good friend and me went to this bar to have a few drinks after work, usual stuff on a Friday evening.about an hour into hanging out he starts rapping to this cute little chick that planted herself close to us. a regular type of local looking chick, except she was very cute. some bs'ing here and there next thing is she gets all close to me, wants me to go with her to the city to some club, then even asks if she can come home and dance for me all this while knowing I am going to get married. i tell my firnd God must be testing me for this to happen now. Nevermind the few neat Knob's I consumed throughout this making all this the more unexpected. This chick starts feeding me some finger foods ... i'm fucked :lol:

then my buddies all show up and I was like ... fuck, you motherfuckers. but this chick was a great actress, she had me going for at least an hour.
after the usual pics and such we head out to my buddies house where a lesbian show was waiting complete with lurch with dildo on head fucking one and some double dildo action on the chicks. I know i felt some whipping on my body as well ... but really i was so hammered at this point (which really sucked) that I don't remember much. I threw up a few times like a puss and two of my friends even managed to have a nice fistfight outside the building complete with neighbours throwing eggs from windows.

anway ... will write some more when I sober up

the only photo i have so far ...

Not much...just a bunch of drunken debauchery haziness. A bunch of us went to see a friend's band play at this club and just got completey wasted. We went somewhere else but I dont remember much besides dancing with this chick Amanda and us both falling on our ass and spilling beer all over each other and running up to the singer's microphone and screamin into the mic. When I got back to my place @ around 4am, my friend came knocking at my door and their were a bunch of peeps upstairs still partying. Didnt get to bed til around 7am. ugh

My best friend went home with this chick that ended up throwing up once they got in bed so no poon for him. He was pissed. haha

I'm still remembering different things that happened.

Now, Im pretty sure there is going to be a party at my place tonight so it's gonna be another interesting night.
I'm going to pay you back you fucking bitch, now shut the fuck up. You should have reminded me earlier, because I forgot, and as you know I only get paid once a fucking month, and the rest of the money that I have is reserved for gas for this month, so you have no choice but to wait. And I didn't ask you for money the last time, I just brought the subject up and said that I couldn't ask you to lend me the money again, but you agreed to lend it to me anyway. I told you the last time that I wasn't going to ask you for money again after this, and I told you that again yesterday, so stfu. I didn't even want to take it the last time, and I shouldn't have, because now you had to turn this into a public issue where it looks like I'm a bad guy.

And for the record, I don't consider her "internet people," since we're actually friends, and I don't think she considers me "internet people" either. We've talked on the phones a number of times, and we would have probably met up by now if she didn't figure out that I was going to rape her.

Wait so now you are paying me back? Last night you claimed you didn't want to pay me back and that you were going to keep it as a gift.

Sorry for embarassing you in front of your friends poopsie. But next time dont' threaten to not pay me back after I do you a favor.
Skjebnevette: I said the same thing every other time you retard
Skjebnevette: And one time I was still doing it days after I paid you back before you finally realized it.
ArderaSiempre: Yeah but still