The (Un)official write anything you want page

i dont wanna go to work tomorrow.

I don't want to go in to work tonight. I should have never put in for that God damn Supervisor position. Not only will I be making less if I stay there a couple more years, but I'll be working twice as hard, and have shit days off. All for what? To look after a bunch of negars?!?! I hope management gives it to my co-worker instead.

How the fuck do I get out of this and save face?!?!?! :erk:

I feel like Thanatopsis atm.
Sniping on pretty much any online FPS is lame. Sure, there's the thrill of totally pwning someone, but it's tempered by the realization that you're a fucking pussy. Use a real weapon, faggots.
Japanese on the Americans at Heroshima: "Sure, there's the thrill of totally pwning someone, but it's tempered by the realization that you're a fucking pussy. Use a real weapon, faggots."
My only prayer is that they don't give me the spot due to me currently being on a higher pay scale than what is normally offered for the position in which I applied. ie. it's considered a demotion.

My capriciousness, really comes back to fuck me in the ass at times. :erk:
How the fuck do I get out of this and save face?!?!?! :erk:

You could just go with honesty and say that, after further consideration, you don't feel this move would be the most beneficial for you in the long run, you no longer think it is a good fit, and are respectfully withdrawing your application. You could also thank them for the opportunity and apologize for any inconvenience.

If they have any sense about them whatsoever, they will appreciate the honesty. They might think a little less of you for a bit but, based on what I've read here, would you really even care?
You could just go with honesty and say that, after further consideration, you don't feel this move would be the most beneficial for you in the long run, you no longer think it is a good fit, and are respectfully withdrawing your application. You could also thank them for the opportunity and apologize for any inconvenience.

If they have any sense about them whatsoever, they will appreciate the honesty. They might think a little less of you for a bit but, based on what I've read here, would you really even care?

The only glitch in doing that is that my supervisor already went to bat for me with management and sent in his recommendation. This after he looked me in the eye and asked, "How serious are you about this position", in which I replied, "I'm serious about it." To withdraw it now would make both of us look like yokels. Not too mention that I'm the only one qualified to fill it. My co-worker who is a good bloke would like to occupy the role, but I'm not sure if he has the character and overall knowledge of company policy to fill the shoes of the negar who vacated the spot in a moment insolence.

I have a feeling they'll offer it to me with the pre-tense that I take a pay cut, which will allow me to save face and walk out of dodge a hero. AHHH FUCK ME. :erk:
Do all you Americans truly feel that you live in the only free country out there, or at the very least the most free country? That "the system" works the best and that all others are shit? That public health care is the devil because then some people can freeload when the vast majority do not? That all taxes, even when they go to social services, education, transport/transit systems are evil? That George Bush is the leader of the free world? That child labour is good because otherwise they'd be prostitutes working to support their families? That the Patriot act is no big deal? That recording and storing all travel details of everyone going into and out of your country (even americans) for the purpose of profiling is ok?

Just had an argument with a friend of mine, was curious if you Americans all think like that.