The (Un)official write anything you want page

i really don't think that most Americans think like that (certain uneducated people might, but this is true for any country) ... it seems to me that lately the rest of the world keeps getting worked up over this "american way of thinking", and really I am not sure where it came from and I would like concrete examples.

most American's today acknowledge that the country is in the shitter in a lot of ways. we're beginning to walk around with our heads hung low and talk shit about our own country like most Europeans have talked about their respective countries for decades :loco:

and really ... all these arguments some people have about this, just shows the same ignorance on their part ... so tit for tat.
I just had to go sneakily buy some stamps at a convience store, also buying other things at the same time so I could cover up the stamp buying. I now have to go sneak an envelope into a mailbox at the nearby post office under the cover of night.

Long story short, I'm having to do this because my boss is out of her fucking gourd.

I don't know if I should laugh at the absurdity of this or cry at the fact that Japan has broken me to such a degree.
Do all you Americans truly feel that you live in the only free country out there, or at the very least the most free country? That "the system" works the best and that all others are shit? That public health care is the devil because then some people can freeload when the vast majority do not? That all taxes, even when they go to social services, education, transport/transit systems are evil? That George Bush is the leader of the free world? That child labour is good because otherwise they'd be prostitutes working to support their families? That the Patriot act is no big deal? That recording and storing all travel details of everyone going into and out of your country (even americans) for the purpose of profiling is ok?

Just had an argument with a friend of mine, was curious if you Americans all think like that.

I hope it was your friend who is disillusioned and not you. :erk:
Climb Thar Hill: Dunno. The forensics team has been in, and police are outside the flat (he lived about five minutes away from us). He had Lupus Erythematosus, which is an autoimmune deficiency, so that could have been something to do with it. My housemates and I (all three of us were friends with the guy) have spent all afternoon and all evening so far tracking down and phoning people that knew him, letting them know and trying to get in touch with his family - we're not sure if his daughter and sister even know about it yet.

Doomcifer: Cheers, man. I'm more or less okay, just really shocked.
Do all you Americans truly feel that you live in the only free country out there, or at the very least the most free country? That "the system" works the best and that all others are shit? That public health care is the devil because then some people can freeload when the vast majority do not? That all taxes, even when they go to social services, education, transport/transit systems are evil? That George Bush is the leader of the free world? That child labour is good because otherwise they'd be prostitutes working to support their families? That the Patriot act is no big deal? That recording and storing all travel details of everyone going into and out of your country (even americans) for the purpose of profiling is ok?

Just had an argument with a friend of mine, was curious if you Americans all think like that.

I love the "You Americans" part :erk:
Do all you Americans truly feel that you live in the only free country out there, or at the very least the most free country? That "the system" works the best and that all others are shit? That public health care is the devil because then some people can freeload when the vast majority do not? That all taxes, even when they go to social services, education, transport/transit systems are evil? That George Bush is the leader of the free world? That child labour is good because otherwise they'd be prostitutes working to support their families? That the Patriot act is no big deal? That recording and storing all travel details of everyone going into and out of your country (even americans) for the purpose of profiling is ok?

Just had an argument with a friend of mine, was curious if you Americans all think like that.

I don't know a single American who thinks like that and I am in the military living in the VERY conservative south.
that sucks Philip ... all the best to you! ... keep us posted

We've been scoping the local news and the papers, but haven't seen anything as yet. We also spent a good couple of hours trying to get in touch with the guy's best friend as a possible way of getting a message to the family - we knew that he worked as a tree surgeon in Dudley, so we phoned all 21 tree surgeons in the area we could find numbers for. No luck so far.
Lurch KILLED Heath Ledger, then set it up to look like a prescription drug overdose. Heath saw too much of the yellow speedo.