The (Un)official write anything you want page

You must explain to me this Carl-McCoy-with-guns person.
I don't know a single American who thinks like that and I am in the military living in the VERY conservative south.

Maybe its a texas thing?

I love the "You Americans" part :erk:

Well, It would be pretty pointless to ask the british guys if they think like that about America. I was meaning, "is that a common opinion over there, or is it still a rather right wing minority!?"

MajestikMøøse;6891593 said:
so how about that Deutschland place you live in?

Yep, but they don't claim to be the land of the free or great. They all want to go to Canada (from which they have an image somewhere between Igloos and Eskimos, Monty Python's Mounty song and Paul Bunyon.)
Yep, but they don't claim to be the land of the free

:looks around: I don't see any one being oppressed around here, do you? Negars receive welfare checks to support their umpteen kids. Hispanfrijoles cross the border to work in EricT's factory, despite not knowing a word of Ingles. Take a drive down the boulevard and you won't find a white with out a cup of espresso. So how is this not the land of the free? God damn, I'm sitting on my ass at work, getting paid for this post, and I'm about to go take an unsanctioned lunch break. If I lived in some commie country I'd probably be digging coal out of a mine. Get yer head outta yer ass son. [/redneck]

Every country has problems, don't take yours for granted.
the point is, he feels that America is the ONLY land of the free. Sorry. I wasn't clear. And I know that not every American feels this way, it just made me so angry that he happily ignored facts and I really was curious if thats a common majority opinion, or a true minority (excluding bible thumpers and morons).
Gatorade G2 tastes exactly like Kool-Aid. :guh:
Andrew, your friend is an idiot. :)

haha. probably owned by the same conglomerate corporation.

And yes, sometimes, when it comes to politics, I do believe he is a moron. I was never trying to lump americans in, you all should know by now that what I think and what I manage to write are never exactly the same, because I generally tend to forget half of what I want/need to say.

Obviously the fact that Bush was voted for twice means that there are enough people who feel that he's right and doing good. I truly don't know, this was an emotional knee-jerk reaction. similar to Jerry's rants about negars and spics because he's exposed to the lower end of the spectrum on a daily basis. I'm sure if he met someone who called himself an "African American" or even just "American" and referred to his friends as buddy or friend instead of "Nigga" he'd find them fine people.

Similar thing here, every time my friend and I talk politics it turns into a bloodbath of rage, he and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and some of things and points he made infuriated me with their ignorance or simply that he finds them okay.

He believes that Saddam's WMDs are now in Syria.... :cry:

Anyway, Sorry to make it sound like I was lumping all of you yankee fuckers in the same pot.

Every country has problems, don't take yours for granted.

This much I know. :) Canada has tons of problems, Germany has even more.

Name any first world nation where people are opressed? I think it's the fact Americans claim to it to be the land of the free...

Thats my point. But he claims it to be the ONLY land of the free. Since if you pay for public health care, its no longer a free country, because some people might just freeload off the system. (then the system should put in checks and balances against that, like in BC with the 2 year no job no reason no further education... you're cut). Or the fact we pay more taxes than the US (percentage wise) makes us not free, despite the fact that we live just fine under that system.
God damnit, I've been hearing hip hop interviews in the background all fucking night. "I buy my shit nigga, I take care of my kids, yo all don't know me and what it takes to be me. I be flying from sunset to sunrise, displaying my gold, and my feverish temper. Show me da cd nigga, I'll sign dat shit in blood."

Aye Carumba!!!
One of my students told me tonight that she's started getting breast massages. She bought 10 massages at about $100 each. She has to drive a good 3 hours for these 1 hour appointments and is planning on going once a week. She does it because she thinks it will provide them with a lift. :guh:

I told her she could get a lot more for her money by hiring a local high school boy.
Does anyone else have a hard time in the mornings? I am forced to wake very early for my job and the early morning is just horrendous for me. By 11am, I start to feel better but from 5am until around 10am, I feel like like I used to feel back when I was severely depressed. Like an empty shell and just want to fucking die....literally. I have to push the F out of myself to go on and do miniscule things. Its much worse because I have to be so physical so early as well. Ugh.
I am not a morning person either. It takes me till at least 10am to function correctly and would much rather work at night. But it might also might have to do with your job. I used to feel that way, shit, I could not even sleep right, when I worked at a job I really hated. Sunday's were spent stewing about dealing with and how to go through the next week.
If I don't have to go in till 8am or later I'm fine... When I have to wake up at 5am and go in, I'm a zombie till about noon, even if I got the same amount of sleep.
and would much rather work at night.

No you wouldn't. Here's a sample pf my sleep patterns thanks to the wonderful world of graveyard that is killing me one day at a fucking time.

Thu-12pm to 8pm
Fri- 9:30am to 12pm
Sat- 6:15am-1pm & 7pm to 3am
Sun - 6pm-9pm
Mon - 9am-6:30pm
Tue - 1pm-9pm
Wed- Have yet to sleep

Tell me, does that look healthy to you? :erk:
when I said "night" ... I meant "after the sun goes down" ... not "dead of" :lol:

but yeah, graveyard looks like a killer. what sucks about oddball schedules (and I had them in the past) is that they kill your social life ... unless everyone you know is on the same schedule like you.