The (Un)official write anything you want page

Am I the only morning person? Mornings rule.

"I can't wait to go to sleep so I can get up tomorrow morning and have coffee" -Me while a bit tipsy.
I don't mind working until 11 pm. What I hate is that my schedule is irregular. If I started and got off work at the same times every day, it would be much easier. And while working Friday nights and on Saturdays doesn't help my social life, it is nice having Mondays off to get shit done while others are at work.

Edit: I also really fucking hate that after work I then have to do more work at home. I never again want a job where I have to take work home with me.
Well, I do need about half an hour to an hour to get my shit together in the morning, but normally I get up at 6:00, read the paper and have breakfast for half an hour, get dressed/ready, leave home at 7:00, hit my first call by 7:30 because that's the agreement we have with that customer. (Been late almost every day lately due to laziness but nobody cares so it's all good)

I'm usually perfectly wide awake by 7:00am when I leave home, but one day when I slept in, got up and left immediately I backed into a fire hydrant that's on the side of my driveway :erk:
As do I. Despite having canisters of caffeine tablets lying around, I still crave a good java. It takes me back to a better time and place when darkies were being uprooted to till in the fields for the white man's profit.

Fuck telemarketers.
I drink coffee for the taste 99% of the time.

me too ... that's why I only drink decaf for the last 10 years.
when i quit smoking cigarettes i quit regular coffee at the same time.

it was hell ... as I smoked almost 2 packs and had about 3-4 daily.

yeah, the stimulant effects are great until you are used to them and then you have to drink a shitload a day just to feed the monkey.

right now if I have a regualr coffee I am wired and jittery for at least a coupe of hours.

cocoa ftw :kickass: :loco: