The (Un)official write anything you want page

Jerry, I think Aurel means second-shift.

Aurel, I go to bed usually between 9-10pm. Wake @ 5am, or 4:30am once/week. Horrible.

On Mondays, I am in constant dread about the following four days. I am trying to get in to the cable company where my firend works.
The trade off comes with the shortened commute. My drive to work which is 25 minutes, would be close to 60 minutes during peak hours. So many filthy Anton Chigurhs driving their SUVs between 7-9am & 3-7pm. It's no wonder why their prone to accidentes.
I have prescription shits, but as far as pep goes - just caffeine. That's not the problem though. I hope it's just my job, which I suspect it is. I just dont want to go back, mentally, to where I was 6 years ago. That's all. I was never a morning person, never will be. It's just hard to describe.
Are they paying you decent enough to put yourself through such headaches? If not, move on matey. You're only young once broheim.

Yes. And the commute is only 3 miles; 5 minutes. But nothing is worth being miserable. I dont need to make the amount I make tbh. Also, what I am looking to do will be a temp paycut but will be more in the long long run I mean a mere 18 months.

Aurel, fuck no I am not.

How I feel in the morning is how I used to feel 24/7. Makes me want to just off myself, or be offed somehow. Not a good feeling.
Time for a Root Cause Analysis.

Are you getting a full 8 hours sleep? Often a night I see you posting on RC until the wee hours of the AM, while sipping on some single malt.

I average 7 hours...rarely less. Although lately I have been waking up frequently during the night which obviously contributes.

Im never on here mon-thurs night late at all. Fri/Sat night I am out, so Sunday night is my drunken night on RC, lol. :tickled:
No you wouldn't. Here's a sample pf my sleep patterns thanks to the wonderful world of graveyard that is killing me one day at a fucking time.

Thu-12pm to 8pm
Fri- 9:30am to 12pm
Sat- 6:15am-1pm & 7pm to 3am
Sun - 6pm-9pm
Mon - 9am-6:30pm
Tue - 1pm-9pm
Wed- Have yet to sleep

Tell me, does that look healthy to you? :erk:

Well today it looks like I'll be sleeping from 4pm-8:30pm. I literally have to force myself to sleep or I'm going to be a zombie later tonight. Blargh! :erk:
Yeah doing the bed at 8:30 - 9:00, wake at 4:30 thing sucks, bad. Put an hour and a half commute each way on top of that - I can't believe I did that for so long :erk:

My current job search isn't going too well at the moment, but I must remain hopeful so that I'm not suckered back into the above mentioned.
No you wouldn't. Here's a sample pf my sleep patterns thanks to the wonderful world of graveyard that is killing me one day at a fucking time.

Thu-12pm to 8pm
Fri- 9:30am to 12pm
Sat- 6:15am-1pm & 7pm to 3am
Sun - 6pm-9pm
Mon - 9am-6:30pm
Tue - 1pm-9pm
Wed- Have yet to sleep

Tell me, does that look healthy to you? :erk:

You are not alone in brutal scheduling, brother.
so Tully ... how does this work now with you going overseas for awhile? does the military pay you for that? or what kind of compensation do you get?
Does anyone else have a hard time in the mornings?
I am not a morning person either. It takes me till at least 10am to function correctly and would much rather work at night.

Yeah, I can barely get out of bed and I don't think straight and get going until 10:30-11.

No you wouldn't. Here's a sample pf my sleep patterns thanks to the wonderful world of graveyard that is killing me one day at a fucking time.

Graveyard was fucking hell, but at least I could get up easy enough (seeing as how it was 4:30 in the afternoon. Eat steak for breakfast and then go to bed at 10:30am after a warm dinner of eggs and bacon.

what sucks about oddball schedules (and I had them in the past) is that they kill your social life ... unless everyone you know is on the same schedule like you.

And you watch a lot of crappy late time movies

Are you getting a full 8 hours sleep? Often a night I see you posting on RC until the wee hours of the AM, while sipping on some single malt.

I rarely get more than 6, I have difficulties falling asleep at nights (always have) and I refuse to come home from work, eat dinner and go directly to bed just to wake up and go back to work again. :(