The (Un)official write anything you want page

Anyways, Im about ready to gtfo of here. It's my boy Nick's bday and we're all taking his ass out. Mind you, this kid doesnt really drink very often at all and he is going into tonight wanting to get wasted. Mind you again, all of us are raging drunken lunatics. Watch out.
Well judging from their Myspace page, they're not quite as bad as Wolfmother. But still, typical stoner/sludge that doesn't interest me. I'm hot & ready to go anyway! :kickass:


So we're gonna go listen to a sucky band or bands yay

If we're lucky maybe we won't go!
I'm game for it if the rest of the bunch wants to go. If not, who cares. Point is, we're going to Fort Worth tonight for FUN of whatever sort! :kickass:
It's just one of those moments where I question everything I am doing (and have done). It's been a tough week at work and with my wife. My sons teacher called the other day (he's in kindergarten, for fucks sake) saying he was being disruptive. I still struggle on occasion with how a misanthrope can raise a balanced, healthy child. Long story short, it's a poor me moment. Surely it will pass.

As for helping, a good reco of obscure Black Metal that combines the best of Burzum, Emperor, Satyricon, and Jenna Jamison would be a great start. :headbang:
I wonder what it would be like to climax and sneeze at the same time. I'm guessing your head would spontaneously combust, or it would be the end of the world as we know it.

I'm not sure if I've done that before but a little while ago I farted during my orgasm and it just stopped my orgasm cold. It was like flipping a switch. It was equally odd and fucking annoying.