The (Un)official write anything you want page

Oh man... the officer dude in that first movie would have had his face smacked off with that rifle if that were me. Couldn't stand some cunt like that up in my face.




Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. I guarantee you 100% you would not butt-stroke a DI.
MajestikMøøse;6898717 said:
Hey Tully, what's the average life expectancy for marine infantry these days?

Depends on your deployment. Last one for my unit was 25% casualty projection with 8-10% KIA, they ended up with 22% casualties and 8% KIA, so the projections are accurate. My coming deployment is projected as 65% casualties 22% KIA.
That second video is too much. This is why I never joined the service, I'd be dishonorable discharged after 2 hours of that shit.

Is it just me, or were those four DIs singing the lyrics to a Messhugah song?
I love the internet.

There's a legendary story at my school of a girl who was taking it doggy style up the ass. Ready to cum, the guy pulls out only to find a piece of corn jammed right in his dick hole. Disgusted, he pukes all over her back, and she thinks it's cum so she reaches around and runs her fingers through the puke and licks it, and then pukes fucking everywhere.
My first attempt at making an iced coffee drink out of instant kroger coffee, milk, sugar, & ice, is a success. I was desparate for caffeine :loco:
with rather homely ice cubes. when i do use ice cubes, it's only 2, always (perhaps a "quirk") :p

I drink coffee for the taste 99% of the time.


same here, i've gone off it for a bit. Just sticking to my cup of tea before i head to work.

Some days tea really hits the spot as well.

ha, I'm at the point where I don't feel anything from coffee.
bullshit. try drinking a pot in one sitting.

I have a 1.5 Liter coffee mug, I do that daily. :p But yeah, Coffee + Caffeine pulls


I felt like I was on cocaine and wanted to jump out of my fucking skin. Even causing lots of anxiety and confusion/lack of linear thought. Fucking sucked...until I slammed a few ipa's and started to mellow out but couldnt shut the fuck up for a couple hours.

Been there, did that regularly when I stilled worked in a grocery store. Didn't have many chances to sleep. I hate that feeling.

me too ... that's why I only drink decaf for the last 10 years.

Decaf just doesn't test right.

yeah, the stimulant effects are great until you are used to them and then you have to drink a shitload a day just to feed the monkey.

Thats why some days I pass on the joe.

Not being dependent upon stimulants to keep my eyes open is awesome tbh.
Rotting rat carcasses under my coach are food.
I stay awake from the smells in my room and the internal debate I have as to which smells worse, me or the dead rats.

Good for you.

I tried working out, but failed les miserably. Without sleep, you simply drag ass and are wasting your fucking time. I may need to start hitting up the sleep meds. A life of uppers and downers, hmm...

Yeah, I'm trying to get back into biking, but I have such a shitty sleep pattern and am so fucking tired that I go hammer for 5 minutes and I'm dead tired.

@the american drill sergeant crap: Theres yet another reason for me not to join something like the military.
James Ashbey said:

* Gutteral battle cry of the Ngthonl, the barbaric warriors from beyond the slopes of the volcanic peak Fhgazhroh , upon commencing one of their periodic raids upon the sparsely populated wastelands of Krellipon, in search of pillage, plunder and rape. Armed with the ritualistic bone-hatchets of the Great Spire (their rocky mountain fortress) and wrapped in the leathery pelts of past victims, they descend like magma upon the Krelliponite pastoralists with the merciless inevitability of a lava flow.

Gok-Bgaav the Great leads his hordes from atop a fearsome Mammoth mount, replete with burnished bronze helm and wielding the Glaive of Woe, hewn from a huge shard of hideously purple volcanic glass. Sickening blasts of a great horn infuse the ash-laden air with the rumblings of despair.

For the Krelliponites, the horn heralds death. The Ngthonl are divine wrath incarnate, erupting from their igneous dungeons to spew forth the anger of the Pantheon of Four (the feeble, fading deities of the superstitious polytheists) and their departure will be cause for grief-tinged festivities for the wretchedly thankful survivors.

Fear the coming.

Enforcer tonight!!!!
Espressos are damn good too!

Yesterday, I walked into my kitchen started making food, and an Italian girl insisted that she made me an espresso. It was damn good :kickass: