The (Un)official write anything you want page

have a grand robert burns night you heathen fucks. Everyone eat some Haggis tatties and neeps and get royally smashed!

Or suck a dozen englishmen's dicks.
The Sword fucking rules! nothing like Wolfmother besides some 70s influence. wolfmother is pop, the sword is like 70s/stoner/nwobhm.

Instead of going to the show we sat around and listened to their myspace.

Then went to a classy pub and dranks fancy beers and played Othello!

>>>>>>>>> The Sword
Instead of going to the show we sat around and listened to their myspace.

Then went to a classy pub and dranks fancy beers and played Othello!

>>>>>>>>> The Sword


I don't think Devin actually wanted to leave for the show, but, he couldn't disappoint his friend "Bobbin."

Weird things of the evening! I was wearing a Bat Castle t-shirt, and our friend Brian's girlfriend Nila was wearing a Bat Castle t-shirt. That's not completely surprising since it is Brian's band. But then...out of all the jeans in the world, Nila and I were wearing the exact same jeans!

And then Brian and Devin were both wearing Urizen shirts. Derick was the odd one out. Tis all. Pic coming of matching butts.
I'm not sure if I've done that before but a little while ago I farted during my orgasm and it just stopped my orgasm cold. It was like flipping a switch. It was equally odd and fucking annoying.

Did you sit there in silence for a bit afterwards, disappointed in yourself?