The (Un)official write anything you want page

Hmm... seems like a load of misunderstandings of how the FDA and science works.

It's like: Test one shows diet soda is good. Test two shows diet soda is bad! Oh my god science deceived us! /arrogantresponse
Can you supply a link with scientific concerns over what may be problematic?
Everything I have read against GenMod sounds mostly like 'what if!' with no hypothesis.

IE: If we enhance/mod 'X' then 'Y' is likely/may happen because of 'Z'.

Genuine request, not a slight.

I don't have time to dig one out. But thats kind of the problem, they're trying to rush it through (for all the positive reasons you guys have mentioned) without giving it a proper test.

Anyway, I'm ot truly against it, I just think it needs a lot more testing first.
I'm in a vile fucking mood at the moment. Carrying this broad up a steep is only a grain in a basket full of bullshit that is pissing me towards the brink of fucking INSANITY!!!
I'm in a vile fucking mood at the moment. Carrying this broad up a steep is only a grain in a basket full of bullshit that is pissing me towards the brink of fucking INSANITY!!!

sucks, broheim...but you know...the best relief from all that is to do this

Fuck her, Jerry...after the hike...fuck her fat sweaty out of breath ass, YOU BEAST

No Thanks, this bint has a fupa bigger than my head. My faggot supervisor assisted in trapping me in this God damn corner.

I want to fucking hang a negar by his toes and pummel him with coconuts, Jimmy Superfly style. BLARGH!!! Can this life just fucking end already!?!? I apologize for the angst, but I really just want it to fucking end swiftly and graciously.
My faggot fat fucking Pope John Paul the II doppleganger of a Supervisor kept on egging me on to go with the bint tmrw on her day off. I was trying to be nice and say "yea sure, perhaps sometime in the expanse of time". But this God damn former meth-addict who has OCD cubed loves to stir up the shit. I was painted in a corner which would leave me feeling like an ass, so I said "fuck it". Now I got 10 other things piling up on me because I'm a procrastinating piece of shite. I seriously hate that God damn job. I should quit and become a panhandler, I'd probably be two pence the richer. Anywho, I'm simply going to call that broad and tell her this event needs to be postponed "indefinitely". Though, I'll sugar coat it as only I can.

As for that other fuck, I need to put and end to his palpacy! :mad:
Good luck Jerry :tickled:

Well I got a call from a recruiter at Wells Fargo regarding the application I recently put in for a corporate job in Irving. She was in California though and didn't seem to have answers to some of my questions. She's supposed to give me a call back tomorrow with some answers, namely about pay and how often they need overtime. Non overtime hours are 7:00am - 3:30pm, Sun-Fri with Wed & Sat off. I could live with that.

Nah nigtucket, I'm calling that bint (she has a really beautiful face btw, despite 5 o'clock shadow) when I get to work and telling her that I can't make it because I'm fully booked with cockteasing milfs with muffin tops.
I can only bare to imagine what the rest of her looks like. She's pleasant to work with, albeit a little shady. (no pun intended lmfao!)

When she first start working there she was 50 lbs heavier and carried a fupa XL with three storage compartments for mid-shift treats. She disappeared off the map for a month citing a vacation up North as the reason. It turns out she was actually absent due to getting a gastric by-pass surgery and an evening trim. These fucking people think they can change their lifestyle with a simple operation. It's simply not the case. It's not fucking natural!!! Their body is a mish mash of loose skin hanging from the rafters, beef curtains splintered to and fro like a piece of pastrami run one too many times through the ringer, a stench so pungent it smells like an asshole after being wiped in the erect position. I have another co-worker whose been slammed more times than a pog who under went the same procedure. Needless to say that not one of the suitors came back for seconds.