The (Un)official write anything you want page

He's a clean freak/germophobic moron. And no we don't have one of those things. Luckily, since my room is actually a laundry room, it has a vent fan. Still doesn't get all the stench out though. Perhaps it's time to duct tape my air vent shut.
He's weird - if he stuffed a towel under his door, he'd have to use a clean one every time and then we'd be out of towels in a day. And seeing as how his window is the nearest point of our house to the street, well...:Smug:

But seriously if he can't stop for a just a few days then it's time to send him and my mother, ALL of us, to Dr. Phil :loco:

isnt there a 1 cat limit on dr phil?
I hate computers.....

Same, they always fuck with you, especially when its inconvenient. I have horrible luck with MY computers, with everyone else's I feel like some sort of god.

One of the harddrives in marens computer is on the fritz, sometimes it loses the sound card drivers. Last night (and this morning) it forgot where her Firefox and Thunderbird profiles were.

Good fun... going to order a new 500GB HD and maybe another 2GB of RAM for me so I can start using vista.

He's a clean freak/germophobic moron. And no we don't have one of those things. Luckily, since my room is actually a laundry room, it has a vent fan. Still doesn't get all the stench out though. Perhaps it's time to duct tape my air vent shut.

Might wanna try that, but I don't think it will help. I'm really sorry to hear that. Most pot addicts I know were always so friendly and would do what they could to not piss you off with their habits. They also weren't over worried about hygiene, at least not in a germophobic kind of way.

meat, cheese, and crackers

Yummeh. I do buns/bread and that here. Garlic Sausage is godlike.

Baking bread is fucking badass.

Yeah, I did some of that on the weekend, it worked out kinda wierd, I think the yeast was dead. BUt otherwise it was great.
Does bad shit follow you everywhere? I have bad shit happen to me, but it's always directly because of myself. Your seems like bad shit just follows you.
yeah, it runs in the family. Its why I'm a chronic pessimist (with a stubborn streak, which is why I don#t give up and/or just off myself (not to mention thats the pussy way out)). Happens to me with pretty much everything I do for myself. :)
So, a little story to go with those recent mountain pics I put in the picture thread because I'm on a break between classes and have nothing to do.

Warning: this is long, worthless, completely boring and written purely for my own benefit.

I had to wake up at 5 a.m. in order to catch my first train of the morning. I hate waking up early and it was cold, so that was no way to start the day. I almost got on the wrong train at the station but managed to find the right one. When I got to the station where I had to change trains, there was an amazing lack of signs in Japanese or English. But again, I managed to find where my train was to come. For some reason it was away from the main tracks in some kind of dump.

I waited for my train, alone on the platform for a good 20-30 minutes when suddenly I had to crap like hell. Now it was getting time for my train to arrive so I had to decide whether to catch my train and shit myself or go find a bathroom and miss my train (and these trains run 4-5 hours apart). I decided to go find a bathroom. I ran back to the station and there was no bathroom on this side of the turnstile but luckily there were no employees manning the station so I left the station to go to the bathroom on the other side. They only had two stalls in the bathroom. One was locked and had a sign on it that I assumed meant it was out-of-order. The other was occupied. It was do or die at this point though so I ran into the women's bathroom, went into a stall, and destroyed that place. I'd always heard how much cleaner women's bathrooms are, and it was...before I'd gotten done with it. Japanese squat toilet + gaijin in a hurry + the runs = disaster.

And yet, I managed to make my train after all because it was late. That was quite a surprise because they are almost always perfectly on time. This was only the second or third train I'd ever seen late in Japan. I got to my destination, found myself in a tiny little town in the mountains, and wondered where the fuck the lake was that I'd come to see. Turns out it was miles away farther up in the mountains. That in itself would not suck too badly but there was no place to walk. No foot paths, no sidewalks, nothing. And it had been snowing a lot up there recently so trudging through knee deep snow was not an option I was looking forward to. So I walked along the only road available. This place is in the middle of nowhere so that road is used by truckers and little more. Needless to say it wasn't fun walking uphill through mountains on a road still covered in slick ice and slush, through tunnels, with tired truckers not wanting to share much of the road. I almost got hit several times.

Japan, for some damned reason has these open drainage systems on the sides of many of their roads. Usually 1-3 feet deep, and wide enough that a car could easily get stuck in them if one was unlucky enough to have their tires find their way into one. I've always thought they looked dangerous to both pedestrians and vehicles. I figured that one day I'd fall into one but had managed to always avoid it. But not today. I was on the side of the road taking a picture of a shrine when a car came barreling at me with obviously no intention of giving me any room. If I didn't get killed, at the least they were going to break my arm with their mirror. So I moved off the road a bit and waited for them to pass. Right as they came up, the snow I was standing on gave way and suddenly one leg disappeared into a gutter that I hadn't known was there because it was covered with snow. Not filled, just covered so it was hollow. That was painful. But what really pissed me off is the two guys in that car stopped, looked a little surprised, then laughed at the funny gaijin and drove off without so much as a "Oh shit, are you alright? Sorry we almost ran you over."

When I had walked the length of the lake and decided to turn back I really had to fucking piss. But there was nowhere to go out there. And nowhere to really go behind even, to hide myself from the traffic that came by once every minute or so. So I just waited for a truck to pass, then started pissing on the side of the road. Right at that moment, of course, five cars with families come by at the same time. That was the only time I'd seen anything of the sort that whole day. Just my luck. And you can believe that had then staring and talking. I don't know if I ever said anything about the time I was at a urinal in a public bathroom and the Japanese men at the other urinals were trying to get a good look at my pecker. Now, that wouldn't have been so fucking weird in and of itself, but it was a line of 5 urinals and I was on the end. Four Japanese men to my right were all looking down the way to get a gander at gaijin cock.

Now, I went up to this lake to take pictures. Taking pictures is one of the few things I enjoy here. I'd heard about a bridge at the far end of the lake and from what I'd seen, it would provide a great vantage point for some spectacular pictures. But I'd been walking for so long and it was gettiing late so I turned back before I'd gotten to that bridge. I didn't know how much farther it might be to it because I'd seen no maps that had given any indication. Of course, on my way back I see on the other side of a building I'd passed earlier, a map that I hadn't seen, showing that if I'd just gone through one more tunnel and around a bend, I'd have been at that fucking bridge.

At this point, I was in one hell of a shitty mood. I thought about hitchhiking back to the station which I've heard is easy enough to do in Japan, but they always expect you to be a conversationalist and don't appreciate it if you aren't. Because of that, I figured I'd just continue walking as I can't keep a conversation in Japanese. When I had just about 30 minutes of walking left back to the station a car stopped with a nice looking couple in it. They rolled down their window and just stared at me. They didn't seem to know what to do next. The woman in the passenger seat said something in Japanese and as is typical, said it so softly I couldn't hear it over the engine. But after a while they tried English and got across that they would drive me to the station.

I got in and from the little I could understand, I think they'd seen me earlier in the day walking the other way and knew I'd been walking a long time so they felt sorry for me. They took me down to a station farther down the line which was very nice as it allowed me to catch a different train than I would have at the other station, and got me home two hours early. During the ride the driver told me his job was "a Buddhist" a "zazen Buddhist" at a local temple. They were extremely nice and even took out their cell phones to go online and check train times for me. Once at the station he shot out of the car, opened my door, and proceeded to take me inside to show me the time of my train on the train schedule and tell me which platform to catch it on.

I thanked him as much as I could, shook his hand, and sat down to wait, all the while dumbfounded at his kindness. A minute later he comes back in, hands me a hot can of coffee and says "a little present" before he leaves for good.

They were by far the nicest people I'd ever met in Japan and helped uplift an otherwise shitty day. It put me in a good enough mood that the crazy guy on the next train I took hardly bothered me. He was simultaneously a close-talker and a low-talker so I had to get even fucking closer to the crazy bastard to hear his whispered, rapid fire Japanese as he raped me with his crazy eyes from the seat right across from me on an otherwise empty train.
Really good read.

Japan, for some damned reason has these open drainage systems on the sides of many of their roads. Usually 1-3 feet deep, and wide enough that a car could easily get stuck in them if one was unlucky enough to have their tires find their way into one. I've always thought they looked dangerous to both pedestrians and vehicles. Not filled, just covered so it was hollow.

We have those in rural canada as well. They're fucking deadly, worst is when its been raining for a few weeks, then its nows and you get this half-frozen slush on top, don't see it and you're knee deep in water in -5 degrees. And yes, cars are constantly stuck in them and drunk people or people out at night often fall into them.
those people get laughed out of court. Of course, if they fall on your snow covered driveway on their way to rob your house,(or the shit on their back after they robbed you) you're fucked.

J-Hoes can also sue you then. even if you have a no solicitors sign.
Just had a phone interview with the Wells Fargo rep. It wasn't the real thing of course, next step will be an interview at the actual office. But it was so weird, seeing as how the questions were a lot like the ones I used to ask references when I did background checks. It felt odd being the one to answer them for a change.

The lady was nice though, said that I sound like a great match for the job (operations, payment processing, NO contact with the public), and I should be hearing from the office manager within a week. They're willing to match my pay requirement, which is more than what they have on the job posting. And dress is completely CASUAL! Dunno if I want to take it though, she still didn't know how often overtime is required. Perhaps when I speak with the office manager then that will be cleared up. I don't mind occasional overtime but I don't want to be sucked into something ridiculous, ya know?
Good god the manager just called and wanted me to come in for an interview today. So I'm going for an interview tomorrow. Blahhhhhhhhh jobs.
Maybe you guys saw his post which I quoted with an edit? If not then we all thought the same thing!

I'd seriously like to see some chocolate snow though.