The (Un)official write anything you want page

Two more signs I've been in Japan too fucking long:

1) I almost said "So so so so" when somebody said something correctly that I agreed with today.

2) I was watching the news and when the reporter started talking to somebody and they bowed, they kind of did it towards the camera and...oh god this is embarrassing...I bowed a bit too in response.
2) I was watching the news and when the reporter started talking to somebody and they bowed, they kind of did it towards the camera and...oh god this is embarrassing...I bowed a bit too in response.

:lol: ... brilliant :lol:
I'm not even a big fan of Portal but I want this shirt just because it flat out rules.

i finally took a job *sigh*

part-time day jewelry sales at macy's. shouldn't be too bad as long as i don't get shot. to work at macy's you HAVE to wear black. my manual says that you can wear undershirts and accessories of different colors, but that your outfit must appear black overall from five feet away. i gotta go shopping for more black clothes now. hell i don't even wear jewelry. maybe i should get a watch.
so, we went to red hot & blue tonight for dinner. i had ribs, smoked turkey, fried okra, and fries. it was all extremely tasty, except for the part when i realized i was chewing actual bone and bone marrow. the ribs had been cooked so long that the bones were softened enough to bite into if you really tried. i thought the meat was just tough :loco:

that was gross :(
Good news. XHTML is the way to go though, stylesheets and server side includes is the shit.

That method does seem to make things easier. I didn't embrace the frames concept but if the tables were turned I know I would not be a happy camper to learn that my preferred design method would no longer be compliant going forward. But then again I know frames fell out of favor with a lot of folks. I think that concept is useful for things like email programs and stuff, but I never liked them for Web sites.
That method does seem to make things easier. I didn't embrace the frames concept but if the tables were turned I know I would not be a happy camper to learn that my preferred design method would no longer be compliant going forward. But then again I know frames fell out of favor with a lot of folks. I think that concept is useful for things like email programs and stuff, but I never liked them for Web sites.
there is honestly no good reason reason anymore to use frames ever since you can define overflow and scrollbar properties for individual divs and use absolute positioning etc.

i hope they kill iframes too, fuck that shit to hell
so, we went to red hot & blue tonight for dinner. i had ribs, smoked turkey, fried okra, and fries. it was all extremely tasty, except for the part when i realized i was chewing actual bone and bone marrow. the ribs had been cooked so long that the bones were softened enough to bite into if you really tried. i thought the meat was just tough :loco:

that was gross :(

I've never heard of that before-----Maybe the pig had osteoperosis?? :erk:

That is gross.
Acie, we went to K&G today so I could buy some new work clothes. We kept hearing them call your dad up to the front, but all I saw were black guys. I'm concluding that your dad is black :loco: