The (Un)official write anything you want page

Earlier today me and my brother were going to pick up my friend Chris so we could go to the gym, but he takes forever to get it out of his house. So, we got the idea to lure his cat into my car and shut the door. After some coaxing, I got the cat to jump up in my car and shut the door. We had the cat in there for at least 15 minutes, and it started to smell like piss, hahaha. I thought either two things would happen, the cat would be looking out the window at Chris and he would see it and die laughing, OR, he wouldn't see the cat and he'd open the door to find a nice cat surprise and the cat would be on his way. Negative. Chris saw the cat, and died laughing, but when he opened the door, the cat bolted to my side of the car, to the window, and stepped on the button to roll the window down. It rolled down about 4 inches and I guess the cat figured that was enough space for him so he tried to crawl out, but while he was trying to get out he stepped on the button to roll the window up, so he was crushing himself. Hahahaha, Chris thought I was rolling the window up, and he freaked out and pulled the weirdest face, but I let the cat out after I saw what was happening. I was laughing my ass off the entire time though. The cat doesn't even have a name, Chris just calls it Cat. I like to call it Mr. Cat. At the gym though, I couldn't stop laughing to get a proper set in on anything, hahahaha.
Yeah, because I'm just so disgusting.................. :rolleyes:

Men are such drama queens sometimes. Look at Hugo Chavez. God damn he's a triflin' ass motherfucker.