The (Un)official write anything you want page

I can't get out of here fast enough.

But on the lighter side of things, I went out to eat with some people tonight. I struck me that I've been here long enough that things I once would have heard and immediately reported to fellow non-Japanese for being so fucking weird, no longer seem so out of the ordinary so I often don't think to report them. For example, tonight, the people I ate with (all quite a bit older than myself 40s to 60s) were eating some slivers of cucumber on sticks and noticed that if you held them a certain way, they looked flaccid. So of course, they said that like the cucumbers, they too had a hard time getting it up. However, they betted I had "a healthy cock".

I would have lost my appetite upon hearing this, old asian cocks has never been much of a pleasure for my imagination :zombie: At least they didn't try to prove it to you
So, I saw this AC/DC tribute band last night at a local club. I'm not even a big fan of AC/DC but they absolutely blew my brains out, totally due to the guitarist. He totally stole the show. Was dressed like Angus Young and everything, was ALL over the place, super energy, and best of all, he was one of th emost amazing guitarists I have ever seen live. Weird. He was 324765 times better than AY himself. Guy was banging out crazy ass solos all over the place and totally getting the crown wicked into it all. Sick. Totally blindsided.
Yeah, I just heard it on the radio recently and thought the same thing. "How is this STILL being played?!"
Back from portland... after what seems like 24 hours on a bus. Fucking delays out the ass for some reason.

Bus was fucking packed as shit for Easter day.

Despite bus woes, Agalloch was fucking AMAZING... as well as Jerry's driving. :lol: