The (Un)official write anything you want page

DAYTONA BEACH -- A man who slammed his car into a 25-year-old woman riding her bicycle on the sidewalk has been charged with committing a hate crime, police said.

Thomas Cosby, 56, hopped out of his car and yelled racial slurs at Mekeda Cato after he struck her with his vehicle at 701 S. Atlantic Ave. in Daytona Beach, police said. According to police, Cato, who is black, was riding along the sidewalk on the west side of the road when Cosby's car jumped the curb and slammed into her "for no apparent reason", police said.

Cato, of Daytona Beach, was taken to the hospital with a fractured left leg and and unknown internal injuries.

Cosby, of Port Orange, was charged with aggravated battery and simple battery. Both were classified as hate crimes.

After Cosby's car struck Cato, it slammed into a tree and the front porch of a nearby house before rolling over several times and coming to a stop. According to several witnesses, Cato then hopped out of his car and began to scream at the crowd, telling them, "help me kill these (racial slur for black people)"

Crosby was angrily yelling about blacks having sex with his wife and girlfriend.

At one point, he struck another person before being detained by witnesses until police arrive.

When asked what happened to his car, Cosby replied "I turned my car to take him out," even though the victim was not a man.


I seen a negar woman (?) this afternoon who had a full on mustache. Are you honestly that lazy that you can not tend to your upper lip on a daily basis!??! This fucking thing would make Tom Selleck blush.

Mordor?!?!? Holy shit. I had no idea they were still around. It's been nearly 20 years I'd have to think. I remember Richard C/Wild Rags pushing the hell out of them. Wow. I am old.
Had a dream this morning that Derick, my aunt & uncle, and myself ended up in Sweden. Hell Mike and Johanna went running by us, then stopped to say hello, then went back to running & playing.

Then I was about to start taking pics because it was purdy outside, when Derick brought up the the subject of how there are death propellers in the sky at 49,000 feet, and if you try to go any higher you'll get obliterated.
Noctis Valkyries II - Anymore info on this?

Woods of Ypres has signed on as one of the two headliners. Dark Forest is coming back for another go. With the rest of the lineup being comprised of Western Canadian bands. Not worth the flight imo. You can see WoY at HCIII in a much better setting. Plus the fest appears to be shortened from an all day event, to a lengthy evening concerto.
I have to fax my expense reports if I want to get paid for mileage and what have you. I got an email from corporate saying they never received some 4 weeks worth of reports. So, apparently, they disappeared somewhere between the person I fax them to, who would be my MANAGER, and corporate headquarters. In my research, I found three more weeks worth of payments I never received, most likely because someone fucking lost them. Anyway, I've spent the last 2 1/2 hours faxing reports. It's 1986 in here. Hey, my pager is going off
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""

George Carlin
I done kilt number 4 today. Tomorrow is my last day in this house of horrors.

So, i was having a really similar problem lately, except with Black Widows. Bought this a few days ago and applied it to the key areas of my room and window, and my spider problems seem to be much better. Last spider to get in just laid down and died in the middle of the floor. I am pleased, for now.

Supposed to work up to 12 months, but I think I'll be reapplying it ever 2-3 month... anything to keep spiders out.