The (Un)official write anything you want page

Last spider to get in just laid down and died in the middle of the floor.

:lol: 5 stars.
I've heard BW problems are big in the West. We placed sticky mouse traps out in our new house along baseboards to catch any BR but we havent seen a single one. You might try that - they're only $5 a pack.
Just got back from the Doctor's office. Found out I have a virus, some bacteria, and pneumonia. I rule at diseases.
Bout to leave for AC and Philly till next tuesday... Not looking forward to the humidity, but hopefully I'll see a good few racks of titties on the boardwalk and Brigantine beach deserving of mass worship. It's summertime, I expect this.

And cheesesteaks.

And wawa.
Got pulled over today for turning left on a no-left-turn sign. Didn't see it. Was too busy listening to FNM's "Small Victory" as loud as humanly tolerable. Then I immediately made a right turn on red without coming to a complete stop :lol: as I watched the officer cutting through a gas station to get me.
Got off with a mild warning of "watch those lefts". I figure it was the good ol boy network coming to the rescue - I have a Tractor Supply Company tool box on my pick-up. It sure wasn't the turban I was wearing.

Impetigo seems pretty happy to me and Typhus would be fitting of a stoner rock band. Hooray rashes. I'm hungover.
This guy I went to school with would drop these massive, baseball-bat-sized logs all the time. He was legendary. A few years ago I learned that he stopped looking at his shit afterward. He used to get up, wipe, and admire. Now he sits while wiping and doesn't glance once. It's always sad to see an artist's work turn on them.