The (Un)official write anything you want page

Don't you hate when you get on the subway, intentionally on the car with all the clean cut looking people, and then BAM... out of no where the entire subway train fills up with the grimest motherfucking sootsunes in all of philly... yelling and screaming, and then all the clean people get off 4 stops before yours and you're stuck in a simian battleground? You realize you're the only non-black on this train to the motherland or whatever... And then the dirtiest of the race declares the seat you're trying to mind your own business in... is HIS. The arguement begins, and you decide in the end it's just not worth getting the shit kicked out of you, or even killed, and you stand. Then you get off the fucking subway, and BAM... spook chasing you down south street begging for a smoke, looking cracked out of his mind.

FUCK. And it's wrong to be just a little racist?

Your subway adventure was a mere walk in the park compared to this...

A 40-year-old man is in custody in Manitoba after a young man was stabbed — and, witnesses said, decapitated — aboard a Greyhound bus travelling through the province overnight.

Police officers spent Thursday examining a Greyhound bus where a passenger was reportedly stabbed and decapitated late Wednesday.Police officers spent Thursday examining a Greyhound bus where a passenger was reportedly stabbed and decapitated late Wednesday. (CBC)The RCMP would not confirm the reports of beheading, saying only that a stabbing took place around 8:30 p.m. CT on an eastbound Greyhound bus on the Trans-Canada Highway about 20 kilometres west of Portage la Prairie.

The suspect, believed to be from outside Manitoba, was arrested early Thursday morning after a standoff lasting several hours and remains in RCMP custody .

Charges have not yet been laid, and the suspect has not yet been interviewed, said RCMP spokesman Staff Sgt. Steve Colwell, adding that he could release no further information on the investigation.

The RCMP declined to identify either the suspect or the victim.

Thirty-seven people were aboard the bus en route to Winnipeg from Edmonton.

Colwell said the "brave" behaviour of the passengers and driver probably prevented anyone else from being hurt.

"It's not something that happens regularly on a bus," he said. "You're sitting there enjoying your trip and then all of a sudden somebody gets stabbed. I imagine it would be pretty traumatic … the way they acted was extraordinary."

Passenger Cody Olmstead, 21, told CBC News he had smoked a cigarette earlier in the trip with the victim, whom he described as a man in his late teens or early 20s. The victim got on the bus in Edmonton, he said.

"I never took the time to know him, but he seemed to be OK, right, just a kid," said Olmstead, a Nova Scotia man who had been taking the bus from Alberta to Montreal.

"He just said he was going to Winnipeg … going home, that's where he was from."

Garnet Caton said he heard a 'blood-curdling scream' and turned around to see a man repeatedly stabbing the passenger sitting next to him.Garnet Caton said he heard a 'blood-curdling scream' and turned around to see a man repeatedly stabbing the passenger sitting next to him. (CBC)Garnet Caton, who was sitting in the seat in front of the victim, said he saw the attacker stab his seatmate, a young man sleeping with his headphones on.

Caton said he heard a "blood-curdling scream" and turned around to see the attacker holding a large "Rambo" hunting knife above the victim, "continually stabbing him in the chest area."

"He must have stabbed him 50 times or 60 times," said Caton.

"Like, just everywhere, arms, legs, neck, chest, guts, wherever he could swing it, he got it," said Olmstead.

"It looked kind of like a scuffle or an argument, you know, and then somebody's, like, 'Knife! Knife! Run!' so I was running up the alleyway, slapping people telling them to get going, move, get off the bus. I got pushed over, some lady got pushed over, I was just making sure everybody was OK, and we all got off the bus," said Olmstead

As panicked passengers fled the bus, "the attacker was over top of the victim … continually cutting him. I think the victim was gone at that point," Caton said.
Trio tried to check on victim

Caton, the driver and a trucker who had stopped at the scene later boarded the vehicle to see if the victim was still alive.

"When we came back on the bus, it was visible at the end of the bus he was cutting the guy's head off and pretty much gutting him up," said Caton.

The attacker ran at them, Caton said, and they ran out of the bus, holding the door shut as he tried to slash at the trio.

When the attacker tried to drive the bus away, the driver disabled the vehicle, Caton said.

"While we were watching the door, he calmly walks up to the front with the head in his hand and the knife and just calmly stares at us and drops the head right in front of us," said Caton.

"They did an awesome thing, holding him in there, because if not, what would have happened?" said Olmstead.

RCMP crisis negotiators communicated with the suspect for several hours while he was on the bus. Around 1:30 a.m., he attempted to jump from a bus window and was subdued and arrested, RCMP said.
Acted 'like he was a robot'

Caton described the attacker as surprisingly calm. "It was like he was at the beach or something. There was no rage in him. He wasn't swearing or cursing or anything. It was just like he was a robot or something."

The suspect remained on the bus for several hours and was arrested around 1:30 a.m., RCMP said.The suspect remained on the bus for several hours and was arrested around 1:30 a.m., RCMP said. (John Woods/Canadian Press)Police cruisers arrived about 10 minutes after the attack began, he estimated, and officers began directing passengers to school buses to take them to a hotel in Brandon.

"While we were waiting on the side of the road, [the attacker] was taunting the police with the head in his hand," said Caton.

Caton described the attacker as appearing "totally normal" earlier in the journey, even chatting with a young woman as he smoked a cigarette during a break.

But when he got back on the bus, he moved his belongings from the front to a seat beside the victim in the back and about 20 minutes later began attacking the man, said Caton. "He didn't say anything to the victim at all," said Caton.
But, uh, having dismembered body parts on a Greyhound bus is against teh rules! :loco:
Seriously, next time anyone buys a ticket, read the fine print.
Heard about this possibly coming into effect a while ago... All I know is, I feel sorry for those with illegal tracks on their IPOD's, since the RIAA has been jumping at the reigns to allow the seizure and prosecution of anyone caught with illegally downloaded music in their personal belongings.

Oh how I love the patriot act, raping privacy in the ass with FORCE.
By the way, did anyone notice that "random" gate searches are back? I got all my shit checked over while waiting in line to board in PHL.
I've been resistant to the near hysteria and hyperbole associated with rabid criticism of the Bush administration, but this new revelation is so egregiously unconstitutional that I can't help but feel affected viscerally. It makes me physically sick to think of how bad things have gotten if this is the case.

This isn't the only such law, and its not all that "new" anymore, but yeah, most larger/decent/not retarded companies in Europe won't send anyone to the states with anything other than a completely blank laptop, they can use a VPN connection to access any information they need.

My personal plan: don't go to the states.
I honestly don't think they're going to be doing these gung ho searches without justification. If it can some thwart some nefarious nogoodniks, more power to em'. What's everyone worried about, having the feds finding their Eva Angelina mpeg collection?!?!
The last time I went through customs it was almost too easy.

Customs offical: "What are these strange seeds?"
Me: "They are used in some kind of Japanese holiday."
Customs offical: : "Oh...uhhh...What are they exactly?"
Me: "I'm not sure."
Customs offical: "Well, you won't eat them or plant them, right?"
Me: "Uhhhh yeah, sure."
Customs offical: "Alright, you can go."