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Icelandic skipper kills shark with bare hands

An Icelandic fishing captain, known as "the Iceman" for his tough character, grabbed a 300 kg shark with his bare hands as it swam in shallow water towards his crew, a witness said today.

The skipper of the trawler "Erik the Red" was on a beach in Kuummiit, east Greenland, watching his crew processing a catch when he saw the shark swimming towards the fish blood and guts — and his men.

Captain Sigurdur Petursson, known to locals as "the Iceman", ran into the shallow water and grabbed the shark by its tail. He dragged it off to dry land and killed it with his knife.

"He caught it just with his hands. There was a lot of blood in the sea and the shark came in and he thought it was dangerous," Frede Kilime, a hunter and fisherman who watched from the beach, told Reuters by phone from Greenland.

Icelandic author and journalist Reynir Traustason, who knows the trawler captain, said the act was typical of the man.

"He's called 'the Iceman' because he isn't scared of anything," he said. "I know the people in that part of the world. They are really tough."
embarassing admission: I had never listened to Primordial until today when I blind bought Storm Before Calm, Imrama, and A Journey's End used at FYE.

I am on track 6 of a Journey's End and that is all I have heard and my judgment is that they fucking rule.
Last time I didn't know shit. On top of that, I took whatever I could get because I was impatient and just wanted to get my ass over there. This time around, I'll be putting forth the time and effort to get into the JET programme (which was my first choice last time, but I didn't want to wait around for it). Also, I know the country a whole hell of a lot better so I know where I want to be placed.

However, if JET doesn't pan out, I plan on taking my chances with another English conversation school like I did last time. But even if I have to do that, I'll make sure it's in an area I want to be. Either way, I don't think I'll be doing either for a terribly long time. With JET you can only do a maximum of 5 years if they like you and nobody wants to be an eikaiwa drone for more than a couple years. So after serving my time with one of those options, I'm looking at starting my own school or opening a bar.
^^Go with what your heart tells you. Fortunately, your mind is already armed recent experience. That's always a good thing. Good luck to you.

^OT-guy: Got apples?

Check out this sexy apple


There are 2 apple trees in my front yard. One is a crab apple tree and the other I'm not sure which variety it is. They're already starting to drop to the ground. Sometimes I see the Canada geese trying to eat the smaller fallen crab apples and there also is a family of raccoons that will turn their noses up at them and the other fallen apples on their way to the dumpsters in the evening, which way fucked up.

So I've been thinking about picking some of these apples and making something out of them instead of seeing them go to waste when the landscapers come, but I'm not sure what to transform them into yet. I love apple strudel, apple pie, and various apple-cinnamon goodies, apple sauce, apple cider/juice, etc.

My #1 go-to cookbook's summary of apples indicates that picking certain varieties early ensures maximum texture and tartness. It's probably a good idea to find out what the non-crab apple variety is first and then go from there. Cleaning one off and eating it as is would be the next logic step. If they're mealy and sweet doing the sauce or juice might work. If they're crisp and tart, perhaps the strudel or pie.

Oh what to do, what to do...

Daring souls can feel free to post favorite apple recipes here.
