The (Un)official write anything you want page

I just got back from Mexico, went there to meet the fiance's father and came back with TD (Traveler's Diarrhea) aka Montezuma's Revenge. Its terrible. If I sneeze, I shit a little. If I bend over, I shit a little. Not to mention, it feels like rocks are moving around in my intestines. Ugh. :erk: I'd rather poop gray than piss out my ass every 3 minutes.
Did you drink the water?

Well, you can't really avoid the intake of it there, short of brushing your teeth with bottled water that's probably taken from Reynosa public water supply. I had assumed that if I kept it minimal (toothbrush) I'd be fine. I did however have soups, some weird drinks from vendors called michelada and chamoyadas, and tons of meat. I'm sure somewhere along the line I picked up some bacteria that refuses to leave my body now. If it doesn't clear up its back to the doctor again for the 8th time this year. :erk: I have shitty luck and way too much medical debt.
Desultory - Bitterness and Desultory - Into Eternity are totally kicking my ass right now
Don't you hate when you get on the subway, intentionally on the car with all the clean cut looking people, and then BAM... out of no where the entire subway train fills up with the grimest motherfucking sootsunes in all of philly... yelling and screaming, and then all the clean people get off 4 stops before yours and you're stuck in a simian battleground? You realize you're the only non-black on this train to the motherland or whatever... And then the dirtiest of the race declares the seat you're trying to mind your own business in... is HIS. The arguement begins, and you decide in the end it's just not worth getting the shit kicked out of you, or even killed, and you stand. Then you get off the fucking subway, and BAM... spook chasing you down south street begging for a smoke, looking cracked out of his mind.

FUCK. And it's wrong to be just a little racist?
Nah, two picture frames fell over, that's it.

Everywhere else that was hit to there was no serious damage. Felt like there would be. This was the strongest quake we've had since the 6.7 quake in '94
I still haven't acheived my goal of taking a shit during an earthquake. It's going to be hard, but I think I have another 40-50 years to keep trying.