The (Un)official write anything you want page

That still remains my favorite freightbait of all time... it was so well executed. The Cole2.0, while an EXTREMELY long read, is also worth the time over a week of lunch breaks.

Really, anything theFailure does is well worth the time. I fucking love theFailure. One of the true internet legends. Follow all his baits.

Wtf is Cole2.0?!

Wtf is freightbait?!?!

What's up with the negars?!?!

Why am I supposed to care about any of this?!?!?! :err:
I don't think it's possible for a man to have 8 orgasms in a 24 hour period. I would imagine you'd have nothing to ejaculate around the 3rd or 4th time. Not to mention your dick would be sore as hell. I simply don't believe your gf. Maybe they stopped midway and got something to drink and then went back at it so instead of counting one long encounter, she's counting every time his dick slipped out. In other words, SHE'S LYING

Charles Manson allegedly did the nasty all night long according to his harem of followers. I'm not a fan of his, just sayin'...
Wtf is Cole2.0?!

Wtf is freightbait?!?!

What's up with the negars?!?!

Why am I supposed to care about any of this?!?!?! :err:

Close is a generic name used by said spammers, his real name was something like Elijhke. COle 2.0 is because COle was one of the better baits. The Governor of the State and the Clique Mob were going to dead the scammer of the scammers.

A freight bait is when they convince the scammers that they have fallen for the scam and will send laptops (aka: Ladpots, latpods, laopts). Cole 1.0 received dead computer parts. In this case: Anus laptops

COle 2.0 Received: A box of dead power supplies, a box of empty broken computer cases, a washing machine (decorated with such things as: Fuck you 419 mugu, you are a ball and cock gobbler, various photoshops of the scammer in question, and goatse), a stove, and a fridge.

These were shipped at the scammers expense around the world, bankrupting him and causing him to get his ass beat by his boss. Check the forum member "theFailure", his Mugu Museum gives you an idea of the embarassing shit he has these idiots do.

edit: You should care because its one of the most hilarious things you'll ever see, between the email/phone communication and the decoration of the freight.

That's got to be the gayest festival ever btw.
No wonder people laugh when I tell them I listen to metal
They were mentioning on CNN last night that McCain's one choice for possible VP was Meg Whitman ... ex-CEO of ebay ... that left my head scratching ... what the heck was that all about?
I pretend i am playing the drums to Damage in my car............. i cant help it!! The drums are sick in the song GOD!
That's got to be the gayest festival ever btw.
No wonder people laugh when I tell them I listen to metal

The people that this genre is attracting is starting to become rather laughable.

I'm at the record store this morning and a young teenage couple approaches the metal aisle with looks of confusion. The short in stature, large in irritation factor femburger, and her Asexual looking boyfriend Mando, joined me for a little perusing. At the onset they were absolutely clueless in where to begin, until the fem, who I presume due to her attire was the alpha partner in the relationship, ecstatically points at a row of Burzum discs, which I so happened to be standing in front of. I kindly state, "help yourself", thinking that my ashen presence may somehow be impeding her purchase. She replies, "it's o.k.", and they stand to the side looking like two Austrian kids in front of a Synagogue. Nevertheless, I shuffle to the side, and the dame grabs one of the discs and says, "That's Varg", to her naif boyfriend. She seemed quite pleased with herself at this point. Now while this was going on, I was bent over looking at a lower rack, (I had my back to the shelf behind me, and my arm on the shelf in front of me), and some faggot wearing a Hurley shirt lifts his leg over my back in an attempt to get around my Athenian like dimension, but in the process scrapes his leg up against my backside. Seriously wtf?!?! Can you not politely ask me to step aside to allow you an ingress?!?! Who the fuck raised this generation?!!?

Oh that's right faggots, negars, and mojados.
People who need to start posting again:


*there must be no internet in the afterlife cuz otherwise I'm pretty sure he would have posted by now